chapter 59

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Final exams coming this week after that the on hold will be erase and I can go back to writing till then enjoy the new chapter

Last time


*Izuku looked behind him and saw they kid smiling*

Izuku:hey kid how you been?

*Kouta jumped at izuku and hugged him exited*

Kyoka:I think we're missing something here

Izuku:it's a long story

Tokoyami:we got time

Izuku:fine this is the story of how I met Kouta


Izuku:OK this takes place after I got eri but before I met mei


*we see izuku running in the night away from the pro heroes he just killed a killer that kills people of the LGBT izuku didn't like that so he killed him and wrote in the walls in the blood of the killer "love is love"*

Pro hero:stop right there villain !!

*I looked behind me and saw the héroes after me*

*I looked behind me and saw the héroes after me*

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(Woman=Sakura man=akira)

*The water hosu héroes*

Izuku:villain?! I stopped a murderer homophobic bastard I made the world a better place!

*izuku said as he ran into a cave with the duo heroes not far behind him*

Sakura:who are you to decided who lives and who dies!

Akira:that's for a jury of his peers to decide not you!

*izuku threw a smoke bomb and dissappear  hiding in the shadows*

Izuku:that bastard was rich and would just pay his way out of any trouble he's done it before you heroes think just because they go to jail then your job is done tell me what happens when he escapes what happens if he is set free or if they find him as inoccent in a court of law?

Akira:that wouldn't have happened you need to trust...

*izuku just laughed the echo of the cave made it sound like his laugh was everywhere*! Oh nonono  the only thing you can trust in this cruel world is yourself I can't just trust that justice will win at the end no I have to bring justice I have to BE! Justice I am the judge jury and executioner of the villains and fake heroes!

Sakura:you're a mad man!!

Izuku:yes very much so but mad man that's needed to cleanse this sinful world!

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