chapter 61

761 27 16

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Amanda:now joker let's have a chat...


*we see a bloody izuku breathing heavily spitting out blood on bane's boot*

Izuku:heh ups..

*bane frowns and punched izuku again on izuku's already broken nose*

Izuku:argh fuck take a joke asshole

Ananda:that's enough bane now izuku are you gonna talk?

Izuku:alright alright...what you do is you go down to your local pharmacy ask for something called viagra and it will help you GO FUCK YOURSELF!!


Izuku:not much honor in punching someone who can't punch back

Bane:sorry mijo

Izuku:I under...

*bane punched him again breaking a front tooth*

Izuku:God damn It that one really hurt!


*the phone on the computer started ringing*

Amanda:oh good the video call is ready

*the monitor turned on and on it it appeared nezu in his office*

Nezu:my what have we here?

Amanda:leverage let get to the pointed you erase everything you have on me or else im gonna kill you little nephew here

Nezu:oh? Well I'm sorry to say I can't too that some...sacrifices  have to be made for the greater good izuku...I'm so sorry


*izuku started laughing so hard blood started coming from his mouth he looked possed*

Izuku:oh you will be believe me you will be...I'm tired of this fucking war you two have so many have suffered for this petty rivalry of you two....

*nezu gives izuku a pity look before turning off his monitor*

Izuku:This ends today... Code mega alpha

*put of nowhere a purple portal opened up and the league of villains came out*

*put of nowhere a purple portal opened up and the league of villains came out*

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(Ignore kurogiri for now)

Amanda:grave mistake clayface bane kill them!

*bane and mei smirked and lean against  the wall with there arm crossed *

Amanda:what are you doing you idiots kill them!!

Izuku:what there doing...

*Amanda saw izuku get up his chains turned into mei's clay*

the villainous hero: joker Where stories live. Discover now