chapter 39

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Before we start if this chapter look familiar i took the idea of the story the phantom by Badauthor2001 since well that chapter is what made me want to make a izuku joker story if Bad sees this hope you don't mind

Last time

Midnight:there you have it folks the winner of the first fight is none other then izuku!!!

*people cheered screaming joker over and over G izuku left walking laughing his laugh almost sounded demonic with the echos*

Now 3rd person with in recovery girls she's not trap for her job

*we see the yagi's katsumi and shoka running inside toshinori holding shoto*

Chiyo:get him into bed now!

*toshinori did what he was told and chiyo looked at the boy and started healing*

Chiyo" I new izuku hated hin but this much? Will he do the same with the others or will he be worse should i stop him?"

Shoka:how is he?

*chiyo sighed*

Chiyo:a collapsed lung 20 broken ribs a cracked head a shattered coccyx and pelves dislocated shoulder and more he will make it but he will have to do at least a month of physical therapy can't say im not happy about that

Toshinori: mother how can you say that?!

Chiyo:you do realize he tormented and used his quirk against my grandson? I have nothing but distain for him and all of you while i think izuku went too far i can't say you all don't deserve it

*no one said anything and they heard crying they looked and saw shoto awaked and crying*

Shoto:izuku is right im worse then him..

Shoka:what are you talking about?

Shoto:im worse then father..

Toshinori:nonsense your nothing like him

Inko:yes he is..



*everyone stepped back hearing his outbursts shoto was crying like a baby shoka went and hug him for support*

Shoto:izuku was right i am worse then endeavor..

*hearing that izumi stormed out of the room*

With izuku

*we see izuku humming to himself waiting for his next match while playing with a jack in the box everyone around him was creeped out because the music on the box sounded disturbing and G izuku lyrics wasn't helping since he was singing a dark version of the song of a real life killer*

G izuku:All around the dark carnival

Laughing Jack chased a child.

he little one thought they were safe
POP! Jack went wild!

He stuffed their face with many treats
he thought they were just dandy.
But then they find out that it-
was poisoned candy.
His work was done for the day
he had claimed a new prize.
He cackled then so evilly
he loved their demise.
'round and 'round

the cobbler's bench
the monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey thought twas all in fun.
POP! Goes the weasel!
Laughing Jack has a knife.
Laughing Jack has a gun.
Laughing Jack is murderuos.
POP! Goes the weasel!

A half of pound of tupenny rice.
The monkey chased the weasel.
Th monkey thought twas all in fun.
POP! Goes the weasel!
Laughing Jack knows where you live.
Laughing Jack's a stalker.
Laughing Jack will kill your child.
POP! Goes the weasel!
Up and down the London Road.
The monkey chased the weasel.
The monkey thought twas all in fun.
POP! Goes the weasel!
Laughing Jack's your child's best friend
Laughing Jack is funny.
Laughing Jack will kill everyone.

POP! Goes the weasel...

Midnight:what and extraordinary match folks up next up will izuku and katsuki bakugo come to the arena!

*G izuku stopped singing gets up and starts walking to the arena but is yanked and thrown into the wall he was lifted off his feet by his collar and came face to face with the aggressor izumi yagi*

Izumi:how dare you

G Izuku:why whatever do you mean darling sister?

*G izuku said it so sweet it sent shivers to izumi's spine izumi let go of izuku and slapped him hard on the face making G izuku bleed izuku cleaned it up and licked it from his hand*

*G izuku said it so sweet it sent shivers to izumi's spine izumi let go of izuku and slapped him hard on the face making G izuku bleed izuku cleaned it up and licked it from his hand*

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G izuku:delicious

Izumi:how could you do that to shoto?! Don't you know what type of torture he had to go through growing up?!

*G izuku just laughed*

G izuku:hehehehahahaha yes i do and it doesn't begin to compare what you all did to me!


G izuku:but I will say im sorry i couldn't hurt him more!

*izumi was shocked of izuku's word was even still the loving brother she used to know before she did what she did?*

Izumi:i can't believe you said that you two we're beat friends doesn't that mean anything to you?

*izuku got serious and stopped smiling*

G izuku:ask your boyfriend that when he started beating me up to relise his anger on me burning my skin and flesh ask him where was that best friend then!

Izumi:stop this izuku please if you want to hurt someone hurt me take your anger out on me not my loved one!

*izuku just laughed as izumi lets him go izuku grabbed her by her neck and slammed her to the wall*

G izuku:HAHAHAHAhahaHA Oh my sweet little izumi but that's exactly what im doing i could hit you the same amount of times you hit me but does kinds of scars heal now mental scars...heheheh mental scars are there for life and that's what im gonna do im going to ruin your friends life your parents life break them leaving them nothing more then hollow husks of what they used to be while you? Nothing i won't lay a hand on you because its so much more PAINFUL seeing does around you get hurt and slowly losing there sanity and you not being able to do anything about it now izumi remember this...

*G izuku got close to her ear izumi was scared for her life*

G izuku:Pop goes the weasel...

*G izuku let's her go and walked to the arena smiling like nothing happened while izumi stood there crying scared of the monster she and everyone else created but izumi only created it Real izuku kept feeding it you'll understand what i mean soon enough*

To be continued...

the villainous hero: joker Where stories live. Discover now