chapter 16

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Last time

*I look and there he was the person i was treating to see uncle aizawa*

Now scene recovery girls office 3rd person

* after the fighting stop aizawa took izuku and the others back to recovery girl izuku was separated from the group as they slept being tired from the fight and recovery girls quirk we see izuku in a private room with aizawa reading a book next to him izuku was giggling nervous while licking a lollipop since he didn't know what do say or what's going on as soon as he was about to say something to door open and there revealed 3 person

Izuku pov

"uncle nezu it's been years since I last saw him but i still remember him playing chess with me and letting me win" *i thought to myself remembering the memories the other person next to him was that recovery girl that healed my wound she seemed nice even gave me a lollipop but the other person i had no idea who he was he was a short old man wearing what i can only describe is a hero costume*-hello izuku..been a long time nephew-*nezu said bringing me out of my mimd*- o..oh h..hehehe h..hello h..jaha uncle nezu y..yes its been quite the few years hehehe-* izuku said* "great not only do i laugh without control but also stuttering anything else you want to give me god?" *izuku thought as recovery girl and the old man came closer to me recovery girl*-let me get a good look at you-*recovery girl said as she grabbed my cheeks and pulled me closer to her looking me up snd down i could see the sadness in her eyes tears almost dying to get out but she was still smiling a sad smile but a smile nonetheless*-my you've grown into quiet the young man-* recovery girl said as izuku just laughs awkwardly*-um h..hheheh t..thank you?..-*i say looking at aizawa for some context i See him sigh sadly*-izuku this..are h
Your grandparents Sorahiko Torino. Aka gran torino and Chiyo Shuzenji aka recovery girl-*aizawa said im shock then felt some guilt*-oh...s..sorry i broke your phone..h..hehehe-*izuku said giggling embarrassed*-think nothing of it im just glad i get to finally meet my grandson-*chiyo said giving me a hug*-that goes doble for me my boy-*torino said playing with my hair i felt at peace actually calm for once unfortunately that didn't last long as I heard his damn voice at the other side of the door*-let me through im going to see my son!!-*toshinori said i could feel my blood boil at the word son i see torino and aizawa get up and go do thr door*-well take care of this you guys stay and talk nezu has alot to say do you and im sure Chiyo would just love to spend more time with her grandbaby-*torino said as him and aizawa left*-right while they take Care of that izuku i have a offer for you and your little family-*nezu said*-an offer?-*i asked curious*-yes i want you and your girlfriend to join the hero course-*nezu said*- im..well im shock to say the least join the course and hero school of my dreams it something I never thought i would get to do since well..what happened-*izuku said looking down*-yes we all saw your memories and were pissed to say the least hell aiwaza straight up jumped on toshinori and beat the crap put of him until midnight had to knock him out-*nezu said that made me feel a little better*-not to mention i refuse to heal my idiot son-*chiyo said this made me feel alot better*-but..what about the crimes i did?-*i asked then i saw that smile on uncle nezu a smile he always showed me when he tricked me into thinking i was gonna beat him on chess*

- that won't be an issue since technicaly you didn't break any laws since you see my dear boy all if not most of the lawbook is cater for people with quirks giving that your quirkless and my nephew you will face no legal damage-*nezu said smirking i laugh a little this time a honest laugh*-so what do you say?-*nezu asked me*-.  .  .well how could i possibly say no do your offer but i do have a question before i was caught my blood used to be green how it's red how did that happened?-*i asked*-oh i did that does chemicals that you fell was affecting your pseudobulbar affect making you more..well more crazy and giving you hallucinations-*chiyo said and i nod* "so i won't see G me anymore.."*i thought to myself*

Now time back to where torino and aizawa left the room 3rd person

*we see torino and aizawa get out of the room both with pissed off expresion seeing toshinori aka all might there trying to get in but being stopped by mic and midnight*-what are you doing here-*aizawa said not question demanded*-im here to see my son!-*toshinori said onlu to received a kick in the gut by torino's cane*-he is not your son you lost all rights to call him that after what you did do him if i could i would take back one for all you don't deserve it!-*torino said pissed*-sir please we are in public-*toshinori said*-everyone here knows your secret you dumbass the only one who doesn't know its you guessed it izuku the one who deserves it the most not bakugo- *yes in all his dumbass glory he gave one for all do katsuki bakugo*-how dare you..!-*toshinori tried to say but again he is hit by torino's cane this time stronger the the last giving him a face that could kill*

-im not gonna say it again leave if i hear one more word i swear I will with the remaining sparks of one for all i have left to kill you not beat you toshinori Yagi i will fucking murder you-*torino said in a cold deadpanned voice sending chills t...

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-im not gonna say it again leave if i hear one more word i swear I will with the remaining sparks of one for all i have left to kill you not beat you toshinori Yagi i will fucking murder you-*torino said in a cold deadpanned voice sending chills to toshi who looked down in shame and fear and left both of them went back inside*

-ok izuku lets go home-*all of the grownup said at the same time then they looked at eachoters with a death glare*
-oh hell-

To be continued

Where is izuku gonna live with:
A torino and chiyo
B aizawa and emi
C nezu

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