Rivers POV~ ❤

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Sooooooo uh... Ppl requested rivers future love story ig so here it is<3

If I say Astro instead of river by accident don't mind it- river reminds me of Astro a lot
If I accidentally misgender river, Im so sorry. Im used to he/him pronouns from when they were a baby. I wouldn't ever do that on a purpose.

River ain't all that innocent In this :D

The whole story isn't in rivers POV,, I just couldn't think of a title-



Hi, I'm River.

I'm a 17yr old, nonbinary, pansexual. My name is already nonbinary which I guess I could be considered lucky for since I won't have to worry about being dead named. But jerks often bully and misgender me. They think because there's a dick in my pants that makes me a guy. How they know I have a dick in the first place? Beats me.

Some idiots will never understand the difference between pronouns and gender.

Anyways, I have two dads and 2 older siblings. They both moved out when I was a baby but they often visit alot.
My older brother, Katsu, has a husband. They both had 2 girls and have another on the way. No come what the gender is yet. Im bestfriends with my brothers older daughter, she's only 3 years younger than me. Some people find it weird since she's my niece but whatever.

I have another best friend, his name is Haruki. He's my dad's, best friends, son. Basically Bokuto and Akaashis son. I'm a year and a half older than him but he's a lot taller than me. I got my dad, kenmas, height

Right now, I was walking down the school halls with haruki since we both were heading the same direction.

"Oi, can you come over and help me with my math homework later tonight? I miss you being my tutor."

"More like I sit and do the work for you while you play video games." I replied.

"That's only because you give up on teaching me and push me to the side!" Haruki pouted

"Well it's frustrating teaching you something. It's like trying to communicate with an ant. Crumb sized brains except ants are a lot Smarter."

"Well thanks river,, that was by far one of the nicest things you've said to me."

"Yeah, whatever. My class Is right there. Pay attention in your class, I'm not gonna keep doing your work for you."

"I know, I know."

I sighed and went into my English class. I sat at my desk and put my books to the side.


After class I went back to the lockers as planned. Haruki was already there waiting for me.

"How did you do in class? Were you paying attention?" I asked?

"I was fine in class. Yes, I payed attention." Haruki responded.

Sure he did.

"What's wrong? You sound so depressing."

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