the experiment 💦 ~kastro

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Requested by > chocomilk_yum <3

This isn't kuroken its Kastro but kuroken is featured <3


Astro was at katsus house, as he always was. Both Katsu and Astro were cuddling on the bed. Katsu was playing on his Nintendo and Astro was on his phone.

Katsu turned his Nintendo off and looked at Astro. Astro looked back at him and raised an eyebrow.

"What?" Astro asked

"I just remembered,, I got something in the mail today for us today.." Katsu spoke

"You did?... What is it?" Astro asked

"You'll have to find out." Katsu said.

Katsu kissed Astros hand before getting up. He smirked and opened his top dresser. He took out a bottle that was labeled 'Viagra'.

Astros eyes widened.

"Katsu... I'm hoping that's not what I think it is.." Astro said

"Well... what do you think it is? " katsu asked, smirking

"How did you even get that...?" Astro asked

"Bakaashi recommended them. All I had to do was order them online." Katsu said. "I just wanna try them and see if they work."

"W-we are not trying those." Astro said

"Why not!? It'll be fun!!" Katsu whined

"Fun!? Paralyzed legs are fun to you?!" Astro exclaimed

"Don't over exaggerate, puppy. You're legs aren't paralyzed afterwards. It's only your thighs and ass that somewhat hurt."

"Well it still hurts afterwards.. I mean not paralyzed but I still can't walk without feeling pain afterwards or walking like a damn penguin."

"How about this, I go easy."

"But your parents are home along with your sister ... and I'm loud ... " Astro says, mumbling the last part.

Katsu laughs

"You are quite loud. I don't have soundproof walls but I have a lock on my door, preventing someone from walking in. Anyways, what do my parents expect when your always here? They leave boxes of condoms in my room for a reason." Katsu said

"Fine.. But if the pills don't work then we don't have to do anything." Astro said

"Wait seriously!?" Katsu asked

"Just give me the pill before I change my mind."


Katsu opens the bottle and takes out 2 pills. One for the both of them.

"I'll go get a glass of water so we can swallow it"


Katsu goes down stairs grabbing a cup and filling it with water. He makes his way back up with the cup.

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