Who else likes you?

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Roger Bartlett


He thought that how you could stand your ground against the other members was amazing. Not only that but he's always liked the girls with a little bit more independence. You know what you want and know exactly how to go about getting it and that made him admire you deeply. Of course, he'd never try to get between you and Roger because he knows you both like each other- no matter how much you both deny it.

Virgil Hilts


Roger tries to deny it to himself because he doesn't want to be the guy that has a thing for their friend's girl. He can't help but be worried that Hilts would find out. He does know that he is a little jealous of how close he is to you but he tries his best to play it like he only sees you as a friend. He wanted to believe that he wouldn't make a move on her if they did split but he knows if the opportunity arose, he wouldn't pass it up.

Eric Ashley-Pitt


You're very fun to talk to, so it's no surprise he's quite fond of you. Not to mention, you are certainly attractive. He would never do anything about it because he knows how much Eric likes you too. He hides it rather well but he feels a little bit bitter about the whole thing; being attracted to someone he would never have. It doesn't mean he blames Eric in the slightest, in fact, he knows that if he couldn't have you, then he would help make it so Eric would actually make a move on you

Robert Hendley


Just like Robert, Virgil also found your caring and sweet nature to be extremely attractive. It basically played out like with Hendley. The difference is that while Robert is very gentle and sweet, Virgil is more likely to tease you playfully when you talk or to give you cheeky complements. 

Of course, when he found out that Hendley also liked you, there was a little bit of friendly competition. There wasn't any hatred, strangely enough, because they knew that neither of them owned you and didn't want a girl to be the reason for any unsavoury behaviour.



The Canadian found your sassy attitude to be refreshing because most girls are very docile back home. You also get along rather well but he's got way too much of a conscience to try and take you away from Willie.



You are very friendly so they more time he spent around you, the more fond he grew of you. If he was completely honest, he probably felt like a best friend with you but sometimes he would get that voice that goes, "oh my god, wouldn't it be nice if you kissed her?"



It seems like a strange thing but you both spend a fair bit of time together, gardening.  You would talk about life before the war and he found it really easy to talk to you about more personal things that he normally wouldn't. He still resolves that he wouldn't ever pursue you like that but there is any denying that he is very very fond of you

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