Chapter 36~ she offically knows everything

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Chapter 36:

Lauren's pov:

" thank you so much for coming." I said to the people who started to head out.
" Joe said he's gonna have his workers come and clean up, so we can go." Jason whispered in my ear from behind me.
" ok." I smiled and turned around.
" where's Ana?" I asked Jason.
" with fredo." We both laughed.
" mission accomplished." I said high-fiving him.
" haha you got that right, let's go." Jason said leading me out pops and down the stairs.
" Jason you are just amazing." I said looking over at him getting in the car.
" no you are." He smiled and turned the car on.

" how long have you had the necklace and note?" I asked as he backed up.
" umm she gave it to me like at our 5th meeting." Jason said looking over at me.
I just nodded.
" you okay?" Jason asked looking over at me.

" I just really miss her Jason." A tear escaped my eye.
" Baby." Jason said softy.
" it's just hard." I said as I buried my face in my arms so Jason didn't see me cry.
" I know, Lauren it's okay to cry." Jason said as he ran his hand on my back to soothe me.
"I know but it seems like I cry too much."
" Lauren I'm gonna tell you something I haven't told anyone. Okay?" Jason asked.
" mhm." I mumbled.
"Well...When my father died, I cried for days, I locked myself in my room, and stared at a wall and cried to myself. I wanted to kill myself, and i tried... but alex stopped me, i just felt worthless. Alex dragged me to America and to Newyork where we continued my fathers spot in the gang and that's when I started using drugs and alcohol to solve my pain, there also other things happening with girls that I'm not proud of but I'll be completely honest with you, I had a horrible 10 years of grieving and without some of the people in my life today I probably wouldn't have made it. My mother went through depression so she couldn't help me and alex left the house for 2 years before he came back to the house and well saved me. I don't want that to happen to you Lauren. I want the best life for you. I want you to be happy, and yes it is okay to cry every once in a while, but smiling and laughter is what's really going to get you through life. I hate seeing you sad, and it was hard for the whole gang when your mother passed, we all had a connection with her in our own ways, but you know life goes on and I'm going to make your life fun and enjoyable because everyone deserves a second chance and no one deserves to feel what I ever felt because what happened to me was life threatening. Lauren your mother saved me just as much as you did. If it wasn't for your mother I would still be getting high every hour,drinking till i passed out and killing anyone who I didn't like, and if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have felt love and have the warm feeling I get whenever you're around... You complete me. I am going to make your life so enjoyable and worth it,yes we might get into arguements and yes we have to deal with things other relationships wouldn't but your happiness and health is my goal in life and I'll do whatever I can to make sure it's always at a 110%" Jason said as drove up into the driveway.
I had nothing to say.
I was in shock actually.
He tried killing himself?
My mother saved him?
I wonder how old he was when his father past.
I could ask him a million questions but I couldn't manage to get one thing out.
" okay?" Jason asked.
" ok." I wiped the tears from my eyes.
Jason got out the car and walked over to my side and opened the car door for me.
He put his hand out and helped me up.
I hugged him and buried my face in his chest cause I still felt like crying.
" let's go inside." Jason said as he picked me up.
" you don't have to carry me." I said sniffling.
" I know. I want to." Jason said as he walked up the stairs and opened the door and I let myself down, Vegas jumped off the couch and ran towards us.
" hi Vegas." I said petting him and going over to the kitchen.
" I'm tired." I said wiping my face from tears.
" let's go sleep." Jason said as he locked the front door and walked over to the back door.
" they all have keys to get in." Jason said coming over to me.
" okay, yeah I'm tired." I yawned and walked up the stairs with Jason.

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