chapter 1~ we're going in...

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Jason's pov.

"Dawg... yo.... FREDO." I got Alfredo's attention from his phone. "She just got into a huge fight with Paul, this is our time, we gotta go!"I said as I parked outside across the street from her house.

" Jason you do whatever you want to do, I'm not the boss. But you're putting her at risk with red hawk and you know that they want to get her. She's you're responsibility not mine, even more so when you do decide to get her." Fredo said as he slid his sunglasses on and looked back down at his phone.

" Okay soo one I don't care about red hawk, two I am the boss, and three I know she's my responsibility you don't need to remind me." I said as I rolled the windows up and drove out of the parking lot.
"Okay Jason." Alfredo grinned at me.
"Don't look at me with that 'you're making a bad choice' grin. We are getting her." I started driving around the blocks.

" Where are you planning to get her cause I mean you can't just go up to her front door and be like hey I'm gonna kidnap you now."
"Fredo... do you really think I'm that stupid? I was planning on-" I looked up from my phone as saw she was headed out of her house down the road.
"I was planning on following her to wherever she's headed now- which is probably the park." I said putting my car in drive and going towards the park.

" and if there are people there then what are you going to do Jason?" Fredo asked smartly.
" dude it's 9 the park closes at 8:30. No one is going to be there. Chill." I said pulling up to the parking lot at the park and turning my lights off waiting for her to arrive.

Whenever she fights with Paul she either goes to the little cafe down the road or the park. It's a nice day out though which means that she's most likely going to be coming here.
" alright here goes nothing." Fredo said locking his phone and looking over at me.
" don't be so negative fredo! Jason McCann always gets what he wants." I said popping my gum and turning my car off. I put my seat back and put my sunglasses on, and waited.

Lauren's pov:

Eff this I'm out. I put my sneakers on and grabbed my headphones.
" I'm going to the park." I said about to walk out the door but stopped.
"No you're not. You may only be 17 for a couple more months, but I still have control over you, it's too dark...go up to your room." Paul responded angrily
"You are not my mom and you'll never be my father, you have no say in what I do." I pushed past him, I felt him try to grab my arm but I ran out the door and I ran till I was a safe distance then slowed my pace down.

I put my headphones on and listened to some drake.

Worst behavior.

I started walking towards the park, it's only a couple blocks away from my townhouse. It's a nice place to just chill, it's my safe place.
When I looked up the park lights were on and the park was empty, peace and quiet.

I looked all around, keeping an eye on the parking lot to make sure Paul wouldn't come after me... there was only one car in the parking lot, it kind of looks like brand new BMW.
Probably some seniors getting stoned at the park since that's the "cool" thing to do.

I went over to the swings and just sat and let the tears spill out. The stress and anxiety were finally catching up to me.

My mother passed away a couple months ago from cancer and my father moved to Italy for his job a while before she died, he asked me a million times to go with him but I wanted to stay and take care of my mother. So now I'm stuck with a jack ass of a step father Paul.
I looked up from my phone again and saw two boys get out the BMW and start walking over to the park.

I just wanted some alone time and now that's gonna be ruin by whoever is coming over here.
I guess I'll just stay at the park, usually when other people come I leave but I don't feel like going home yet and honestly I'm not that scared of being out by myself.
I can defend myself and I have my phone I can just call someone. I looked back down at my phone and went to twitter.

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