Chapter 19

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Heyy beautifuls! So last chapter got a lot of hilarious comments and I just wanted to thank you guys for that! But I also wanted to clear something up lol

Carly is not Booty Call. Kate is. Lol I guess I should've know that you guys wouldn't really remember chapter 3, but in that chapter after Harry dropped Jessie off at her apartment, he called Kate so that they could fuck? And he mentioned that her contact name was Booty Call. Remember? No? That's okay lol

Well I hope that makes sense and cleared some things up for you guys, sorry for the confusion.

Hope you enjoy this chapter! It's kind of short but it's an update 😬 Please vote and comment as usual, love you all ❤️


"Jess, babe, let's just go, alright? It's late." Harry offers, turning towards me and taking my hand in his. I know he's only attempting to avoid the situation, whatever it may be, but that's not fucking happening.

"No, don't go with him. Let's go home." Carly says, tugging on my arm as Harry pulls on the other, both glaring at each other. I shake the both of them off of me and back away.

"Will someone just tell me what the fuck is going on?" I snap, my forehead scrunched in frustration as I switch my gaze between my best friend and the boy that I was falling extremely hard for. But now I'm starting to question how great of a friend Carly is and how amazing Harry is.

I need to know what's going on... I hate not knowing things, it gives me anxiety. I turn to face Kate, who is still smirking at the three of us as she sips on the drink in her hand.

"You look worried, Jessie... well actually, all of you do." She chuckles to herself and the very little amount of patience I had completely dissipates.

"Just spit it out, bitch." I demand, my voice firm as I glare at her, and the amused grin on her painted on lips grows as I hear Carly beginning to sob next to me.

"Why the hell are you crying?" I ask as I look over to her, my tone of voice far from sympathetic, and her sobs deepen. What the fuck?

"Carly, tell me." I beg her and she puts her face in her hands, shaking her head as she continues to cry. I've seen Carly drunk plenty of times, and a good portion of those times ended up in her drunk crying. But I have a feeling that this isn't just another one of those nights. I know she did something, and being my best friend, she should be able to tell me what that something is.

"Oh please, Carly. You new she was going to find out at some point..." Kate smiles and I scoff in annoyance as I look at the pathetic blonde in front of me. Why does she feel the need to taunt me? She needs to just fucking say it.

"Find out what?" I shout, angry at the three people around me, and Kate sighs.


"Shut up." I yell, silencing Harry as he attempts to stop Kate from saying anything anything to me. I don't want Kate to be the one to tell me what's going on, knowing that it's only bringing her satisfaction pisses me the fuck off, but Carly's not going to tell me, and I have a feeling that Harry will do anything to avoid the subject if I let him speak up.

"It's really not that big of a deal... it's just that your friend has been fucking Harry behind your back." Kate says, and my blood boils at the new information that's been given to me. Carly and Harry... fucking... okay.

"That's not what fucking happened, Kate. Jess-"

"Wow." I blurt out, cutting Harry off again for what seems like the tenth time tonight as anger pulsates through me and I can hear my pulse pumping in my ears.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz