Chapter 20

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Person with the most best comments will get a shoutout from za one and only HarryStylesWilly!!! I know it's not that great of a reward, but I'll love you forever😁 I just really enjoy reading comments so yeah, okay enjoy the chapter!

WARNING: Drama ahead, prepare yourself for the next few chapters.


Walk in, sit down, and ignore.

Walk in, sit down, and ignore.

I continue to go over my short but specific plan in my head. I considered not going to class today, because I knew that both Carly and Harry were most likely going to be there, but I decided against it. Avoiding them won't get me anywhere, I'm not saying that ignoring them will either, but at least I'm still going to class.

It's Monday, and usually on Mondays I am tired and unfocused, but today is different. I'm wired with caffeine, and very focused.

I haven't talked to Carly, or Harry, since Eleanor's party, and I plan to keep it that way. It's been pretty easy avoiding Harry, considering all he's been doing is calling and texting me, but avoiding Carly is much more difficult. I mean I live the girl. Even though I've been staying at Cameron's place all weekend, I know I'm not going to be able to keep doing that for long. There are only so many times that you can sleep in the same bed with a guy you aren't dating before things start getting weird.

I'm planing on going home for the first time tonight, and locking myself in my bedroom so Carly can't talk to me.

The heavy door to the classroom opens with a soft creaking sound before I walk into the neutrally painted room.

I look around the nearly full classroom in search for a seat, and my eyes accidentally set on Harry. His eyes are glued to Louis, who is sitting beside him and talking about something that I most likely have no interest in.

I roll my eyes at him before making my way towards the front row. Even though I absolutely hate sitting in the front of class, it's farthest away from Harry and his friends who are sitting in the back like they always are.

The front of the classroom is nearly full, but I manage to find two spots open in the row of chairs, and I take a seat on the hard, thick plastic material.

The soft vibrations in the pocket of my jeans signals that I've received a text, and I pull it out of my pants before looking at the screen.

'Is he there?' The message from Cameron reads, referring to Harry, and I smile slightly at his concern.

'Yup.' I reply and continue to stare at the bright screen, waiting for his reply.

'Omg, don't worry you'll get through the awkwardness 😭' Cameron texts back, being dramatic as always, and I roll my eyes. He's been teasing me about when I would finally see Harry a lot lately, and it's kind of annoying. I know that Cameron doesn't realize how hurt I still am about Carly and Harry, because I keep telling him that I'm over it, but truthfully, I've gotten over my stage of anger, and now I'm just... disappointed.

'😑...' I reply with the emoji that best represents how I feel right now.

'Love you Jessie 😁 I gtg cause class is starting soon. Text you later.' Cameron texts and I can't fight the small smile that tugs on my lips as I set my phone down on the table in front of me.

I reach into my large purse that holds all the materials I need for class, and begin to search for my notebook and pencil when I hear the sound of the door creaking in front of me. I glance up out of habit, and immediately wish I wouldn't have when I find Carly standing in the doorway, staring at me.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt