Chapter 26

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Here's a long and eventful chapter. I hope you guys appreciate it lol. Please vote and comment, you are all beas (polisson is my big bae though).



It's finally Friday night, what I've been waiting for almost all week. I'm done with my exams, and can now just relax and have fun at this bonfire.

"Jessie, Carly!" Multiple voices call from some distance away, and I search through the crowd of people to find Eleanor, Perrie and Sophia calling Carly and mines name from the pool. I smile at them and pull Carly along with me as I walk towards them.

"Hey." I greet them and turn to look at Carly, who is already stripping down to her swimsuit. She quickly jumps into the pool, and I laugh at how obsessed she is with swimming. The main reason she was so excited that we got accepted into Stanford was because it was in California, and California has beaches. She hardly cared that she got into the school, she just liked the fact that it was in California, a state with nice weather and easy access to water.

"Jessie, get in." Carly says, treading the water around her.

"Uh... no it's okay. I don't really want to swim." I state honestly and she frowns.

"Well at least take your romper off... which is really cute by the way." Sophia tells me.

"Okay, and thanks." I laugh, slipping out of the loose fabric and letting it fall around my feet. I scoot it to the side with my foot before taking a seat at the edge of the pool and putting my feet in.

"Oh my god, we're wearing the same suit." Eleanor points out, and I look over to her, finding that she's wearing the same navy blue bikini as me.

"Damn it, I knew I should've texted you and asked what you were wearing." I laugh. Eleanor and I went shopping last week and both bought the same suit, and I was going to text her and ask her if she was going to wear it tonight, but forgot.

"It's okay. But dude, your boobs look so good. What the hell." She comments, looking at my chest, and then to hers before frowning.

"I wish I had big boobs." She complains and I shake my head while smiling at her.

"Your boobs are fine, El." I assure her and she splashes water on me.

"Well I want mine to look like yours." She laughs and I join her before splashing her with my foot, only it doesn't have the same effect because she's already wet and used to the cold water.

"Harry was looking for you earlier by the way, he's right over there." Perrie tells me, pointing to somewhere behind me. I look back to find Harry drinking and laughing with a group of guys, just a pair of shorts hanging low on his hips and all of his tattoos available for everyone to see. My bottom lip is unconsciously taken between my teeth as I look at him, and when he readjusts his gaze, he catches me staring. A smirk grows on his lips as he looks at me, taking one last sip of his drink before setting it down and making his way over to me.

"Hey, beautiful." He smirks, holding his hands out to me and I take them. He pulls me up off of the ground, twirling me 360 degrees in front of him before pulling me close and kissing me.

"Hi." I laugh against his lips, tasting and smelling alcohol on his breath, and he pulls away to look at me.

"How are you?" He asks me.

"Good, how are you?" I repeat his question, secretly flicking Carly and the others off when I notice them staring, and I hear them laugh before turning away and continuing on with their own conversation.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now