Chapter 5

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I'm sitting at my kitchen counter, attempting to finish the last bit of homework I was assigned for tonight, when Carly bursts through the front door of our apartment.

"Jessie, are you home?" she shouts before noticing me sitting on one of the three chairs that are placed at the granite counter top.

"Oh, hey. Why aren't you ready?" She asks as she walks into the kitchen, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

"Ready for what?" I question, setting my pencil down.

"Didn't you get my text? Kyle's picking us up in like 10 minutes. He invited me to some bonfire, and I want you to come with. So go get your swimsuit on, it's at the beach." She clarifies before biting into the crisp fruit. Bonfire... the one Harry invited me to? Of course it is, who else would throw a bonfire on a Monday night? Well, I don't actually know if he threw it, but I'm sure one of his friends did.

"I don't know if I should go... sorry, but I don't really feel like being the third wheel." I say as politely as I can manage.

"You won't be!" She promises and I sigh, shutting my laptop and placing my several sheets of paper back into my folder.

"Fine..." I say, acting as if I don't want to go. But to be completely honest, I do want to go. Only because I want to prove myself to Harry. I don't know why I care so much, not that I care about him, but I don't want him to give me crap about not going the next time I see him.


The drive to the beach was over 20 minutes long, and when we finally arrive to the large shoreline, I am quick to hop out of Kyle's beat up truck.

"Eager?" Kyle teases me as both him and Carly step out of the red vehicle. I grin at him as he wraps his arm around Carly's waist and begins to lead her to the mass of people with me walking beside them. I'm not going to lie, I like Kyle. He's funny, sweet, and just what Carly needs.

When we reach the large tee pee of firewood, Kyle waves to a few guys attempting to light it.

"Ayye, you made it!" Says a boy with dirty blonde hair and a large smile stretching over his face. He pulls Kyle in for a "man hug" before diverting his eyes to Carly and I.

"Which one's yours?" he asks jokingly and Kyle pokes Carly's cheek in reply to his question.

"She's a beaut." he laughs and glances at me, winking and smiling before turning back around to continue working on the fire he and a few other guys are building.

I look around the beach and notice that literally every girl is in their swimsuit- bikini's to be more specific- and I am wearing a shirt and a pair of shorts over mine. Carly tried to make me wear just my bikini along with her, but I refused. I didn't think that the girls here would be showing so much skin, but I was clearly wrong. I feel like a complete outsider right now, so I decide to take my shirt off, I'd like to soak up at least a little bit of sun tonight while it lasts. After pulling the shirt over my head and shaking my hair out a bit, I look straight ahead of me and notice him. Harry. He's staring directly at me and he pulls his bottom lip between his teeth as his eyes rake my my body up and down, not even trying to hide the fact that he is totally checking me out. Pure lust shows in his emerald eyes as they come to a halt at my chest, frozen there for several seconds before the blinding irises meet mine. I soon find myself copying his actions by exploring his body with my eyes. His shirt is off, allowing every black inking on his muscular figure to be seen. My eyes soon set on his firm abdomen. I find it strange how a he can actually pull of having a gigantic butterfly tattoo across his stomach. Even with the majestic insect that you usually find in little girls coloring books, he still manages to look so manly and sexy.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now