Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to polisson because she asked for an update... so here it is lol. Her books are amazing, my personal favorite is "Uni Daze". It's so... asdfghjkl!!!!! I love it lmao, please go check it out!

Please vote and comment! (I feel like I don't even need to ask you guys this anymore lol but sometimes people forget, so here's a friendly reminder.)


"Tye, what's wrong?" I ask worriedly through the speaker of my phone. I hear him take in a shaky breath before speaking, and I furrow my brow nervously.

"You can't get mad, okay?" He says, his voice hesitant and my frown deepens at the thought of what might've happened.

"What did you do now?" I sigh and sit down in the sand as soon as I'm far enough away from Carly and Eleanor.

"Promise me you won't get mad?" He attempts again.

"Tye..." I warn, rolling my eyes as I grow more and more impatient. He sighs a deep and long sigh before finally spitting out what he wanted to tell me,

"I need some money." He says and I raise an eyebrow, not at all expecting money to be what was on his mind.

"Money? How much?" I ask and there is a long pause.

"Like... 350..."

"350 dollars?" I gasp, my voice louder than I intended it to be, and I look around to find a woman and her two kids staring at me.

"No, 350 pennies, Jessie." He says sarcastically and I glare at the blue ocean ahead of me.

"You expect me to give you $350?" I question him, scoffing at his request.

"I just need to borrow it. I promise I'll pay you back." He assures me and I shake my head.

"Tyler, I don't have that kind of money. And what do you need it for anyways? Are you using again?" I interrogate him, hoping my accusation is false. Tye is just a couple months away from turning fifteen, and last year I found out that he had been taking my antidepressants behind my back. He's way to fucking young to be doing this shit. My dad had him hospitalized for several months so that he could get clean, and I really hope he's not relapsing.

"You are using again, aren't you?" I scoff after the long period of silence.

"Please, Jessie. I just need to pay this guy off, and then I promise I'll stop." He begs and I begin to massage my temple with my free hand in frustration as I take in this overwhelmingly information.

"You promised me that you would never touch that shit again." I remind him.

"I know, I'm sorry... but you don't know hard it is." He claims and I sigh.

"You know I'm gonna tell dad, right?" I say.

"No, Jessie you can't tell him. He's gonna put me in that hellhole again. I can't go back there. I told you I'll stop, I just need to pay this guy back." He pleas, desperation clear in his voice and I look down at the sand.

"You have a problem, Tye. I have to tell him." I say, my voice calm and not at all reflecting the anxiety I feel inside right now.

"No you don't! I didn't tell Dad when you went out and got high and shit! Or when you were fucking Chris, and going to clubs illegally every weekend!" He shouts and I can tell he's getting nervous. I roll my eyes at how he felt the need to bring Chris up, I'm trying to forget him... Scratch that. I have forgotten him, I'm completely over him. I just don't want to talk about him because the thought of him pisses me off.

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