Chapter 31

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^^ Btw that's Harry and Kate lol, notice the blonde.

Harry's POV won by a lot lol but there were some people who said they wanted Jessie's POV or even both, so in attempt to please everyone, the beginning of the chapter is Jessie's POV, but the rest of it is Harry's (it's mostly all Harry POV). I really think you guys will enjoy this chapter because in my opinion, Harry POV's are always pretty amusing.

Please read my explanation at the end of this chapter. Love you all xx


"Jessie?" Carly's muffled voice is heard through the wood of her bedroom door, followed by the squeak of it opening. "Hey, I brought your homework." She tells me, walking further into her room. I've taken a week off of school like Dr. Martins recommended me to do in order to "recollect" myself, so Carly has been going to my teachers and picking up my assignments to bring home for me. I know she's been kissing up to me ever since my breakdown, even letting me sleep in her room because I can't bring myself to stay in my own knowing what Harry and I did in there, and I appreciate it, but I'd rather just be alone.

I close the screen of my laptop and sit up in the bed, tucking a fallen strand of hair behind my ear, which only reminds me of that green eyed asshole and the way he'd do that to me. Everything has been reminding me of him, and it pisses me off.

"Thanks." I mumble as Carly sits down next to me, setting my things on the bed.

"How are you doing?" She asks, concern evident in her tone, and I shrug.

"Same as yesterday... and the day before that." She's been asking me this everyday since the incident, and it's just annoying.

"Really? You're not feeling better at all?"

"I mean, maybe a little bit. I don't know, I still feel like shit." I admit. She acts as if what happened was no big deal and that I should just get over it, but I can't get over it. I will mope until it doesn't hurt anymore.

"Okay, I'm taking you out tonight." She tells me.

"No, Carly." My eyes roll up in annoyance, and Carly frowns.

"Yes. C'mon, Jess." She pushes.

"Don't call me Jess, please." I ask of her, suddenly irritated as it was just another reminder of him.

"Jessie," Carly corrects herself. "Will you please come out with me tonight. The girls and I are going to this bar, I forgot the name, but they said it had the best drinks and there were always hot guys... plus they have karaoke, you fucking love karaoke. Just come and flaunt your shit, and go home with a guy to take your mind off Harry." She suggests, and I roll my eyes. She and everyone else have been trying to get me to go out with them, but they need to understand that I don't want to. I don't want to get all dressed up so I feel pretty, I don't want to illegally sneak into a bar with the risk of getting caught and increase my anxiety, and I don't want another guy to take my mind off of Harry. I don't want any of that. What I do want is to sit at home in my pajamas, binge eating food while watching Netflix and YouTube videos so that I can sulk in this pile of warm, smelly shit alone.

"Please just go away, I don't want to do anything tonight." I sigh, tuning on my side and nestling back down into the warm blankets. I feel the bed shift under me as Carly stands to her feet, and I glance up at her through puffy eyes that have been shedding tears throughout the past week.

"Okay, I don't mean to sound like a bitch, but that's what we both are; we're bitches. Bitches don't sit at home on a Friday night crying over some guy that fucked them over. No, we go out and find another guy to bang and get the hell over it. Jessie, what happened to the girl who didn't give a shit about anyone or anything? Because that's the Jessie I know. It's like you've turned into some sensitive little priss over the past week. Harry is a dick, okay? We all know that now, some of us knew it beforehand, but we all know it now. He's probably with some other girl right now who's gonna be the next piece in this little game he has going on, because that's just who he is. You can't change him, or make him hurt because he's a heartless asshole who doesn't give a fuck. Well, this is when you need to get back to your old self and start being a heartless bitch again. You're in college for fucks sake. These are the years you get to have sex with every guy you see, this is the time to be a total slut before you settle down and get married for the rest of your life with one guy. Have some fucking fun, don't sit at home watching reruns of Friends and stuffing your face with junk food, go out and flaunt your sexy ass body so that you can get some." Carly scolds me, leaving me with a dropped jaw and in complete and utter shock.

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