Chapter 12

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This chapter is annoyingly short. It's pretty much a filler, but it's an update lol please vote and inline comment xx


"I mean, she's really hot and everything, and I know she likes me... but I don't know if I like her." Cameron tells me, explaining the awkward situation he's in right now with a girl in his chemistry class.

"Well, you said she's nice, right? Why don't you just ask her out and give it a shot?" I offer before blowing on the steaming cup of coffee in my hands.

Cameron called me this morning and asked me if I could hang out because he needed to talk to me about something. I offered that we go to the small café that Carly and I came to when we first arrived in California, and I'm really happy that we did. Cameron is so easy to talk to, he's like a male Carly, and I can tell he really needed to vent to someone.

"I don't know, I haven't had a girlfriend in a while... I haven't had sex in a while." He pouts, his face falling as he picks at the blueberry muffin in front of him, and I laugh at his expression.

"When's the last time you had sex?" I laugh, curious to what the answer is.

"I don't even know," he scoffs. "like... four months I think?"

"That's not that bad, Cameron. Relax." I assure him and he sighs, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.

"When's the last time you had sex?" He asks, surprising me with the question and I laugh.

"Why?" I ask and he shrugs.

"I don't know, I just feel like everybody is getting some, and then there's me who just stays home every Friday night... well unless my brother forces me to go to some party." He says and I smile at him. I always seem to forget that Kyle and Cameron are bothers.

"I don't know... I broke up with my boyfriend a couple weeks before I moved here, so maybe a little over a month." I inform him and he nods.

"Oh, sorry about that." He says and I shake my head.

"Don't be, he's a dick. He cheated on me multiple times." I say and rolls his eyes.

"That's the worst man, you deserve better than that." He says and takes a sip of his drink.

"Yeah... whatever. Are you going to call Emily?" I ask and he shrugs before leaning back in his seat.

"I'm not sure, maybe I should just go out with her." He says and set my coffee down after taking a sip.

"Don't go out with her just to have sex with her, go out with her if you actually like her." I tell him, not wanting him to do something that might hurt the girl.

"I know, Jessie. I'm not like that." He says, offering me a small but sweet smile.

"Anyways, I don't want to talk about Emily. How've you been?" He asks me, interest clear on his face.

"Good, I've been really good actually." I state honestly.

"Does Mr. Styles have anything to do with that?" Cameron grins and I try my best not to smile at the thought of Harry.

"Maybe..." I giggle and he shakes his head at me, smiling.

"You're whipped..." he laughs and I scoff.

"I'm not whipped, Cameron. I like him, but I'm not whipped." I say honestly, and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"You sure?" He questions and I nod.

"Alright, whatever you say Jessie." he laughs.

Cameron's phone begins to buzz on the table beside him and he looks down at the screen.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now