Chapter 32

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My computer is being a bitch so I couldn't check spelling/grammar and all that, so I'm really sorry for any mistakes!

Hope you enjoy this chapter, you know what the gif means #fuckherrightinthepussy😏 xx

Btw this chapter is dedicated to all of my readers who have been patient with me as I struggled with some stuff in my personal life. I think I'm back now after my almost two moth break 😐 so yeah lol I love you guys, enjoy the sex 💞


"You... you need me to what?" I stutter, completely and utterly baffled by her unexpected and damn tempting request.

"Fuck me again." She repeats, still staring up at me with those eyes as her fingers that are still hooked around my belt trail down to my crotch. I let out a jumpy breath when her hand cups me through the denim material of my black jeans, and she grins at me.

"You're already hard. Were you thinking about me?"

"N- no. No I wasn't thinking about you, I was... I wasn't doing anything. What's with all the questions?" I turn the spotlight onto her, placing my hands on her shoulders and gently pushing her away.

"You seem so tense, babe. Relax." She says calmly, swiveling 180 degrees on her heel and walking further into my apartment.

"Is this a test or something?" I ask cautiously, following her into the open living room that looks out on the city. The bright colorful lights contrast against the dark buildings and purple night sky, making it hard not to admire the enchanting view every time you set your eyes on it.

"Why would I be testing you?" She giggles to herself as she trails the tip of her index finger along every dip and curve of the surfaces in my apartment. When she reaches the mini bar and finds the open bottle of vodka laying out amongst the several glasses I have yet to clean up from when Meagan was over the other day, a frown embeds deep into her originally relaxed face.

"You wear lipstick?" Jess speaks after examining one of the shot glasses. I furrow my brow in confusion at first, but then I see the deep red stain on the rim of the glass in Jess's hand.

"Didn't think so." Jess says, her eyes blazing with something far more intense than anger. She doesn't even give me time to respond before she releases her grip on the miniature glass cup, letting it fall to the floor and shatter at her feet.

"What the fuck, Jess." I yell at her, bounding over to where she stands and attempting to stop her before she smashes the bottle of whisky against the countertop, but I fail and the strong drink trickles down the counter, dripping onto the broken glass scattered across the wooden floor.

"Your whore of a friend already came here and trashed my apartment the other day, I don't need a repeat!" I inform her, anger boiling the blood in my veins.

"Guess what that bottle represented, Harry! My fucking heart!" She screams at me. I roll my eyes and pinch the bridge of my nose in pure frustration as I listen to her rant. Calling me a liar and a cheat, as well as throwing in some names in which I've been called so many times that if someone yelled one of them out loud in the street I would turn around to respond.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now