Chapter 9

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I'm Hi guys, so remember when I said this chapter would be "spicy"? It's not going to be as "spicy" as I was planning because I decided to wait to write that chapter and throw in a couple filler chapters, not many, but a couple. I just don't want the story to move too fast. Sorry if you were looking forward to the spice lol, you'll see some in this chapter, but not as intense as I was planning on lol.

Oh and I wrote this in my phone so there are probably a ton of errors, I'll fix them later.

Thanks ya <3


"Have a great rest of your day, and don't forget to prepare for the seminar next class." My professor shouts as everyone rushes out of the classroom.

As I'm walking out of the door, I bump into someone... hard.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry-" I stop talking when I recognize the blonde haired girl from the bonfire, Kate, is what Harry said her name was.

She looks up at me and gives me the bitchiest look I've ever seen, bitchier than the look she gave me at the bonfire.

"You're Harry's new side bitch aren't you?" she questions, her valley girl voice already beginning to piss me off.

"Oh, are you his old one?" I bitch back at her. I almost laugh at her reaction to my comeback, but I stop myself and return the bitchy look she's giving me.

"Look, Harry is mine. No matter how special he may make you feel, you're no different than any other girl he wants to hook up with. You're just a girl with tits and pussy that he can fuck, okay? When he's done with you, he's just gonna throw you into the pile along with all the other girls he screwed over. So don't waste your time with him." She spits and I raise an eyebrow at her.

"Yeah? And what makes you so special?" I question, wanting to know why this bitch thinks Harry is hers.

"Umm I fuck him, and I don't complain when he's gone in the morning." She says as if it's obvious and I scoff at her.

"And I'm going to his place tonight, just in case you were wondering." She says.

I can't believe this bitch has the nerve to walk up to me and say all of this. Fucking whore.

Just as I'm about to say something back to her, I notice the one and only Harry standing with a few other guys out of the corner of my eye, laughing.

His eyes move to where Kate and I are standing and his laughter dies down as his eyes switch from me to Kate several times.

He closes his eyes and mouths something, most likely a curse word, and begins to walk over to us.

I roll my eyes and begin to walk away from both Kate and Harry, everyone is just passing me off right now.

"Jess!" I hear Harry call from behind me and just moments later, his large hand wraps around my arm.

I turn around to face him and he looks scared as fuck.

"What'd she tell you?" he asks, worry clear as glass in his voice.

"Enough." I say and he sighs a deep sigh.

"Look, I'm sorry okay? Whatever she told you probably isn't even true." He apologizes and I roll my eyes.

"You said you two were just friends." I remind him.

"We are."

"Usually people don't fuck their friends." I inform him.

"I'm not fucking her," he insists and I glare at him. I will not be lied to.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now