Chapter 13

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Hope you all had a great Christmas! So sorry I couldn't update sooner!
This chapter is unedited, sorry for any mistakes
Please vote and comment, ily 😘


"Holy shit... he's hot!" Carly whispers enthusiastically and I laugh at her, my eyes widening as we continue walking to our first class of the day.

"Carly, you have a boyfriend." I remind her and she shrugs her shoulders.

"He's not here..." she smirks and I shake my head at her boy-crazed personality.

When we finally reach our classroom I open the door and find the room nearly full with students already, including Harry and a few of his friends.

I still get embarrassed whenever I run into his friends because I remember when they walked in on us... and it's just awkward.

I look over to Harry as Eleanor's boyfriend talks to him, and Harry rolls his eyes and runs a frustrated hand down his face. It's obvious that he's tired, he looks cute when he's tired.

"Jessie... your drooling." Carly says next to me, breaking me out of my daze and I look over at her.

"What?" I gasp and bring my hand up to my face, feeling my mouth and chin only to find it dry.

"No I'm not." I huff at Carly as I put my hand back down at my side.

She laughs at me and begins walking forward towards the many tables in the large classroom.

"Let's find a seat before they're all gone." Carly suggests and I follow her.

"Wait, I want to sit by Harry." I say to Carly when I notice the two empty seats beside him. One for me, one for Carly... perfect.

"No, you don't want to seem needy. C'mon." Carly says and takes my arm in her had, pulling me towards the table directly in front of Harry and his friends... 'cause that makes it any better...

I pull out one of the metal chairs from under the long white table and sit down on the cold and uncomfortable surface before pulling my notebook out from my purse to prepare for the notes that we will most likely be taking today in class.

"Hey, do you have a pencil?" I hear Carly's voice sound from beside me and a look up from my bag, nodding my head and digging through my bag for now not only one, but two pencils.

While I'm digging through my purse, I feel my phone buzz against my hand and I quickly take it out and look at the lit up screen. A notification on my screen tells me that I got a text from Harry and I bite my lip as I unlock my phone.

'The back of your head is sexy as hell.' The message reads and unintentionally let out a small laugh and run a hand through my hair.

I turn around in my seat and look behind me, finding Harry smirking at me and I shake my head at his flirty personality, giggling quietly before turning back around.

I'm glad I actually took the time to curl my hair this morning. If he's gonna look at the back of my head for the rest of this class, at least it looks good.

I am about to reply to Harry, but am interrupted by Carly nudging me.

I look over to her, an expectant took on my face and she rolls her eyes before speaking,

"Do you have a pencil, or not?" She asks.

"Oh yeah, sorry." I say and set my phone down to continue searching for some sort of writing utensil.

When I finally find two pencils, I hand one of them to Carly and set the other one down in front of me beside me notebook.

I feel my phone buzz in my hand again and I look at the illuminated screen to read the text from Harry.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now