Chapter 14

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Short chapter. It's a filler because I didn't want the chapters to be event after event. I tried to make it at least a little bit interesting, but sorry if I failed lol

Please vote and comment as usual, love you guys and hope ya enjoy ❤️


Carly's laughter booms though our apartment as she continues to listen to whatever bullshit that her boyfriend is telling her over the phone, causing me to roll my eyes at her obnoxious noisiness.

"Carly, we have to go!" I yell to her from my position on the couch in our living room, continuing to text Cameron as I wait for her. I texted Harry about an hour ago, but he never replied. Of course the one time I text him first, he doesn't respond. That alone put me in a bad mood, but instead of obsessing over the fact, I decided to text Cameron, who did text me back.

The laughter that was coming from Carly's room has now died down to a soft giggle, and I hear her say her goodbyes to Kyle before the small pitter-patter of her feet on the wooden floors are audible and just moments later she jumps on top of me.

"What the fuck!" I exclaim, surprised my the unexpected pounce of her small body on to me. She laughs and steals my phone out of my grasp.

"Why are you in such a bad mood today?" she asks and I take my phone back from her.

"Why are you in such a good mood?" I ask her, already knowing that the source of her bubbly behavior is Kyle.

"Because I'm a happy person. We should go, Eleanor's meeting us at the beach at 3:00 and it takes almost a half an hour to get there." She tells me as if I don't already know.

"Yeah, that's what I've been telling you for the past fifteen minutes." I say and she rolls off of me, an amused grin of her thin lips.

"C'mon, loosen up, Jessie." She says as she stands up, and I do the same.

"Let's go." I say, ignoring her and grabbing my bag off of the coffee table before making my way towards the door.


The sun is hot on my exposed shoulders as Carly and I walk across the beach that is surprisingly empty for such a nice day, and towards the shore where Eleanor told us to meet her.

"Jessie!" I hear a familiar voice call from behind me, and I turn around to find Eleanor running towards Carly and I.

"Hey!" I greet her as she pulls me into a hug.

We let go of each other and Eleanor looks over to Carly who is standing beside me and smiles.

"You must be Carly." She smiles and Carly nods. They both share a quick hug before pulling away and Eleanor sighs.

"I am so glad that we're hanging out and that I'm finally away from Louis. Don't get me wrong, I love him, but sometimes you just need to have some girl time, you know?" She says, shaking her head and both Carly and I laugh.

"I think we all need a brake from our boyfriends." Carly giggles and sits down on the sand.

"Jessie, I didn't know you had a boyfriend. Are you and Harry... official?" Eleanor asks and I shake my head, laughing softly at her confusion as we both sit down with Carly.

"No, I mean we sorta have a thing... but it's nothing serious." I inform her and she nods her head in understanding.

"Yeah, I was gonna say that Harry's not the dating type. But he's hot, so go for it," She shrugs and pulls her shirt over her head. I hate how people keep telling me that Harry isn't the type of guy suited for a relationship... well only two people have told me that, but it still bothers me. He might be, and they just don't know it.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now