Chapter 7

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So about the gifs, If there is ever going to be any sexual content in the chapter, I will most likely put a sexual gif. Think of it as a warning/heads up about the chapter. This chapter isn't going to be as... graphic as the future chapters will be, but there's gonna be some stuff in it. (Some chapters won't have gifs as a warning so just always be prepared lol)This is the only warning you will get from me, so from now on THE GIF IS YOUR HEADS UP.Thank ya <3


I am in a crisis at the moment. I don't even care if I sound like a total drama queen right now, because it's 6:45 and I'm kind of freaking out.

Harry told me he would pick me up at 7... Ish. 7ish? When the fuck is that? And he didn't even tell me where he was taking me, so how the hell am I supposed to know what to wear. I don't want to stay in my casual outfit, because what if he's taking me to a nice restaurant? And I can't change into something fancy like a dress or anything, because what if he's taking me to something like a movie? Fuck... And he doesn't even know my apartment number, he only knows the building. So how is he supposed to let me know he's here... he doesn't have my number! Jesus of fuck, what guy doesn't ask for a girls number before they ask them out on a date?

I don't know why, by I'm really nervous for this "date". I feel weird calling it a date. God, I can't believe I'm going out with Harry. I just hope I don't do anything stupid.

As I'm filing through my drawers to try to find something to wear, I hear several knocks coming from the front door. I pad my way over to the sound and open the door, not at all expecting who I see standing before me.

"Harry, what are you doing here?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"It's seven... ish." he smirks and slips both of his large hands into the pocket of his tight fitting jeans. I swear his jeans are almost as tight as mine. Harry's dressed casually. Jeans and a white muscle tank that, on him, definitely fits the name. His biceps are heavily defined and I pay close attention to one of his toned arms which has what I consider random tattoos scattered all around the hard canvas.

"You ready? Or..." he says, his voice trailing off and I look back up at his eyes.

"Yeah, well, I don't know... where are we going?" I ask and a small smirk forms on his heart-shaped lips.

"The beach, there's this carnival thing that I want to take you to." He tells me and leans against the door frame.

"Oh," I nod. "I'm just gonna go change quick then, you can come in." I say and move to the side, gesturing him into my apartment. He nods and steps inside, closing the door after him.

"I'll be right back." I say and turn around before making my way up the stairs to my room.

I quickly search my dresser for a pair of shorts. It's hot outside today, and even though the sun is going down, I don't want to risk sweating through my clothes.

When I finally find a pair that doesn't completely ride up my ass, I strip from my jeans and wriggle into the more summer fashioned style of pants.

I rush back down the stairs, not wanting to keep Harry waiting, and I find him looking at the pictures on the walk of the living room.

"Hey." I say and walk up to him. He diverts his eyes from the pictures to me, quickly looking my body up and down before setting his eyes on mine. It's not that I feel awkward or uncomfortable around Harry, but it's just kind of weird being around him knowing that he's practically seen me naked, and he's literally been in my mouth.

"Ready?" he asks and I nod and reach for my purse that's sitting on the coffee table beside us.

"You're not gonna need that." Harry says and I look up at him, knitting my eyebrows together in confusion.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now