Chapter 24

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Hey beautifuls, I hope you enjoy this chapter, please vote and comment 'cause you guys are fucking bosses okay? Okay. Love you xx


Today is a really fucking stressful day. I had to wake up at the ass crack of dawn to fit some studying in before class because I had an exam, then I had to get through all of my other classes, and then come home only to do more studying for an exam that I have tomorrow.

As I flip through my notes that I took during class, my phone dings on the bed next to me. I decide to ignore it, but then just seconds later it dings again, and again... and again. I roll my eyes at whoever is trying to contact me and pick up my phone, my annoyance seeming to dissipate when I see Harry's name on the screen.


'What are you doing?'

'I'm bored as fuck.'

'I need to see you.'

I laugh at Harry's messages, biting my lip as I reply to them.

'Well hello to you too. I'm studying so I can't talk right now.' I inform him and the three dotted bubble appears on my screen.

'Bullshit. Come on let's hang out, just come over or something.'

'I can't, I'm studying.' I tell him, and I can picture him rolling his eyes as he reads my message.

'Bring your stuff over here then. I want you to sleep over.'

'No can do.' I type. I already have all of my stuff laid out here, and I don't want to have to pack it all up and relocate to Harry's place.

'You're being very difficult.'

'Well you could come over? If you want to.' I type in hesitantly. I know inviting him over probably isn't the best idea considering Carly and her boyfriend are downstairs, plus I doubt I will be able to concentrate on school with Harry here. But I invite him anyways because I want to see him.

'What do you mean "if you want to"? Obviously I want to.' I laugh lightly at his smartass response.

'Lol okay, but only if you study too.' I tell him, feeling lame for saying that, but I have shit to do.

'Yeah sure...'

'Harry, we're studying.'


'I'm serious. Are you sleeping over?' I ask. Knowing again that him sleeping over probably isn't the best idea, but I ask anyways.

'If you want me to.'

'Well you can if you want.' I urge.

'I want, do you want?' I roll my eyes at him, wanting this conversation to be over so that he can get here sooner.

'Obviously otherwise I wouldn't be asking.'

'Don't make me feel stupid Jess. I'll see you in a bit.' I smile at his text before replying with an 'Okay.' and setting my phone back down on my bed.

About fifteen minutes after Harry and I's conversation, I hear the distant sound of a knock on the door downstairs, and I excitedly spring up from my bed and shuffle out of my room.

"I'll get it." I say quickly when I see Carly standing from her seat at the kitchen counter next to Kyle, and she eyes me wearily before sitting back down.

"Hi." I greet Harry when I open the door for him, stepping to the side and allowing him to come in.

"Hey." He nods, stepping in to find Carly and her boyfriend. His lips part slightly when he sees them, and he quickly looks back over to me.

I Unproudly Present ~ Harry Styles AUWhere stories live. Discover now