All The Way To The Top

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Chapter Seventeen

Natalie's POV

I woke up to my phone ringing. It blasted an annoying chime at full volume, making Callie kick me from the bunk above.

I groggily grabbed it from off the floor, and held it up to my ear, "Hello?"

"Natalie! Did you get the news?" I heard a familiar voice cry.

"Alaric, it's 2am in Spain," I complained.

"What? But it's only-"

"There's a time difference between Ohio and Spain, dumbass."

"I knew that!" my brother cried defensively, "But that's beside the point! Have you seen the charts lately?"

"What are you talking about?" I yawned.

"Status Single is #1!"

I bolted up, smacking my head on Callie's bunk, "WHAT?!"

"NAT, SHUT THE HELL UP!" Rae snapped angrily.

"Guys, we're #1!" I screamed, and Paris suddenly fell off her bunk.

"WHAT?!" they all cried, and we squealed happily.

"I'll be right back!" Paris announced, and we watched her run down the stairs. I followed her, and the four of us watched her from the staircase.

Paris ran over to the boys' bunks and grabbed Louis' arm, pulling him off his bunk and onto the ground. He swore loudly, and Paris laughed like crazy.


Louis yawned as he shielded his face from Paris mercilessly smacking him with his own pillow.

Niall crawled out from his bunk and walked towards us, wrapping his arms around Callie.

"Congratulations," I heard him whisper, and she smiled.

I smiled as well, and subconsciously glanced over at Zayn. He was still fast asleep, though, and the disappointment I was feeling confused me. Why would I feel disappointed? Was I jealous of Callie and Niall? Maybe. But that doesn't explain why I would look to Zayn for comfort. I know that Zayn is the person from One Direction that I'm closest with, but what does that really mean? That I like him? Impossible! I can't LIKE Zayn. Can I?


I yawned as I groggily grabbed a muffin out of the container that was left out. I bit into the squishy cake and smiled. Carrot muffins are my favorite.

I walked down the stairs and immediately saw Callie on the couch. She was laughing with Niall; focused on beating him at some online fighting game. I saw Niall stealing glances at his girlfriend - looks of admiration and pride. I couldn't help smiling at that. I was glad that Niall realized how amazing Callie was, because that's what she deserved.

The jealousy was evident now. I envied Callie, and what she had. I envied the way she was looked upon, and I envied the fact that she had someone who truly cared about her. I wanted that. With who? I'm not sure. But I couldn't deny the fact that Zayn's face always popped into my head when I thought about this. I don't understand my feelings towards him, though, and until I do, I've been trying to avoid him.

"In your face, Horan!" Callie suddenly cried, jumping up and doing a little victory dance. Niall laughed, and I could tell that he had let her win. I admired that; a man who wasn't afraid to lose to a girl.

"Oh, hey Natalie," Callie chirped, realizing I was there for the first time.

"Hey, Cal," I smiled, "Have you seen Charlotte around? She said she was going to show me something."

Callie frowned, "No, I haven't, actually."

I raised a curious eyebrow and called her name as I walked through the bus. No answer.

"Liam!" I called instead, but there was no answer to that one either.

I found my phone, and saw that I had a text from Liam. Weird....

From: Liam

Char and I are heading back to England. Staying overnight. Rob knows. Don't worry

I gasped.

Don't worry?!


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