The Attack

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Chapter Twenty-Six

Rae's POV

I sighed, looking through my twitter mentions while I listened to Paris getting chewed out by Rob AND Paul. Not much new there. The new thing? Louis was in there too. DEFENDING her.

"This is the weirdest thing that has happened all tour," Callie whispered, gesturing into the lounge sort of area. That's where the four of them were shouting. Everyone else was down the hall by the bunks to avoid awkwardness, but secretly, we were all sneaking glances. Louis was sitting down, shouting at Paul, while Paris was shrunken back into the couch in shame.

I looked over at Harry, who was sitting with Charlotte, his arm wrapped around her shoulder. My eyes narrowed, just as Liam walked down the stairs.

"Hey, guys," he said, "Are they still at it?"

I nodded, and he looked over at Harry and Charlotte. Something flickered in his eyes, and he instantly sat down on Charlotte's other side. His arm fell around her shoulders, and Harry raised an eyebrow.

"Hey, Charlotte!" Liam said, and Charlotte smiled shyly.

Harry looked down at Char, before looking to me. I glared at him from across the bus. For some reason, we've been trying to make each other jealous. He was obviously a lot better at this than I was, since I had that feeling of jealousy every day. I don't understand why I'm jealous, though. Maybe I like him? Maybe I like that he's trying to make me jealous?

Suddenly, my phone started ringing. I looked at the ID, and saw Justin Bieber flashing on the screen.

The best idea popped into my head.

I pressed 'accept' and held it up to my ear, "Hello?"

"Hey, Rae! It's Justin!"

I looked over at Harry casually, and noticed him staring at me intently.

"Justin? As in, Justin Bieber?"

"Ya, of course! Who else?"

"Oh, well, Justin Timberlake calls me time to time. How are you?"

"Great! Are you on tour right now?"

"Ya! I am!" I said. I covered the receiver and looked right at Harry, "Sorry, it's Justin. Excuse me."

I got up from my seat and walked outside, slipping on my jacket and heading down an alleyway.

"So...uh...when are you in L.A. next? I was hoping we know...hang out?" Justin asked timidly.

"Oh...I'm sorry, Justin, but I'm, uh, interested in somebody else."

"Oh...uh...sorry to bother you."

The phone clicked, and I felt my heart wrench. I hate doing that; rejecting guys.

I sighed and leaned against the brick wall, knowing I would have to wait for awhile for Harry to believe I was having a long conversation with Justin.

God, why do I even do this? I mean, flirting with Andrew was completely worth it, but Louis, Liam, and a bunch of other good-looking guys we've seen? It's all just a game.

"I knew you weren't talking to Justin Bieber."

I turned around to see Harry walking up the alley. Heat rushed to my cheeks, but thankfully, Harry couldn't see that.

"I was," I said honestly, "But he hung up on me."

Harry laughed, "Because you were flirting horribly?"

"He asked me out."

"Oh, because you were flirting too much. So, when's your date, Mrs. Bieber?" Harry teased.

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