Chapter 49,50

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Slow Down


I opened my eyes and stared at the bottom of the bunk above Bill’s. I just have trouble sleeping by myself now, so I’ve been sharing his bunk, scandalous. He lay beside me sleeping peacefully. I wished that today were further away, why cause today was the last day of the tour. After the show tonight, we would all go to the airport and go our separate ways. Things have returned to the pre-dating stage for Pete and me. We just enjoy each others company, its hard though. Sometimes I just wanna…but I don’t cause friends don’t sleep with friends. Well they don’t have sex anyway.

I rolled over so that I fell with a big thump, onto the bus floor. I stayed there a few seconds making sure that I hadn’t woken anyone else up. Then I got my clothes together and went to the bathroom to change out of my pajamas. Callie and I were working on a song and she’d made me promise to be on the GCH bus early so we could practice it together. I didn’t know why, cause it was something I did simply for fun, but she was an awesome lyricist and wanted my help. I made my way onto the bus and she was sitting in the common area guitar in hand, and a piece of paper lying on her knee. “Morning,” I said.

“Morning, and thanks for getting up early. I know you aren’t a morning person.”

“That’s what friends are for.” I said sitting beside her, “So let me see those lyrics.” She handed me the paper and started to play the tune. We sat there like that tweaking the song till Pete came onto the bus.

“Good morning, what was that?”

“Oh it was Callie’s song, I was just helping her out a little.”

“That was good, and your voice fit it so well. You should record it.”

“Flattery will get you no where Mr. Wentz.” My hand almost flew to my mouth as his old nickname slipped from my lips. I looked away blushing.

“No, really you should record it.” He continued as if I’d never said it. We both knew that it had happened and that was enough. “I’ll go get things ready in the studio…”

“Patrick would sound great singing this,” I said.

“No you sound great singing that.” He and Callie agreed.

“No one wants to hear me singing, besides Patrick could do great things with the sound.” I said, I didn’t want to just turn them down. I hadn’t been in the recording booth since I did those tracks for Patrick and I didn’t want to go back.

“Come on,”

“Nope sorry.” I got up before they could beg me more and headed into the venue, I wanted to check out the place. As I walked through the back door, into a maze of hallways I made my way into the auditorium where the actual performance would happen. I stood on the side of the stage and walked out looking out into the thousands of empty seats. I don’t know how they do it.

“Hey,” Pete said walking up to me, with two starbucks cups in his hand.


“I really do think you should record that song,”

“I’ll think about it, maybe after I get settled back in New York.”

“They made a starbucks run and Callie bought us something back.” He said handing me a mocha frappicino.

“Mmm caffeine, just what I needed.”


“Wow, I think this is the biggest show we’ve had,” I said to Callie in passing. There wasn’t an empty seat, she and I kept peeking out from side stage. It was down to time for FOB to take the stage. I was really enjoying the show I mean all the others we were working the merch tables. So we were distracted.

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