Chapter 33, 34

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Chapter 33


I watched Travis watching Callie helping me set the table, trying her hardest not to cry again. Then Gabe walked over to her and started to make her laugh. Travis looked away in disgust and caught my eye. He quickly rolled his eyes at me and looked away from me. This was going to be a great day. “What is the matter with you two.” My mother said coming over to me. “I have been watching the two of you and Callie all day. What happened to my three musketeers?”


“Don’t you dare say nothing. That’s it get your brother and come in the house now.” I just looked at her; I was really embarrassed Pete had heard the whole thing and I knew that if I didn’t move in like a millisecond she was really going to go off. I got up from my seat and went over to Travis.

“Mom wants us in the house.” I didn’t even really look at him instead I looked around him at the Bill about to fall into the pool. I turned and went into the living room and sat on the couch. Travis came and sat on the love seat across from me and my mother stood between the two.

“So, what happened?” she said, I played with my hands in my lap and Travis did the same. “I asked you a question.”

“She’s dating a 28 year old man, who is also one of my best friends.” Travis burst.

“So what you and Callie are about the same amount apart, and you dated my best friend first,” I yelled back, “I’m old enough to make my own decisions. It’s got nothing to do with you so just back off.”

“It has everything to do with me. He’s just going to make up some lame excuse to break up with you when he gets tired of you. Didn’t you learn anything from what happened with me and Callie?”

“It’s not the same, you love Callie,” I said recalling the other line he’d used only days ago to explain to me why he and Callie were going to work and Pete and I wouldn’t. My mother looked at me puzzled. Then it finally sunk in what had happened with Travis and Callie.

“So that rumor was true? What happened? Travis did you break that girls heart?”

“Yes and they didn’t tell me I had to find out in front of everybody, after he beat up my boyfriend.”

“Stop calling him that have you noticed that you never see any pictures with the of you together, he’s not your boyfriend, you’re his summer fling.”

“Travis, don’t talk to your sister that way.”

“No, mom that’s okay. This isn’t nearly as bad as what he’s said to me before. Look he’s just bitter cause he broke it off with Callie and wants her back. You better hurry up and get her back before she ends up with Gabe.” With that I turned to leave.

“Uh young lady where do you think you are going?” my mother yelled.

“Mom I just wanna get out of here, I can’t be near him right now.” I walked up stairs to my room, I knew my mother would follow.

“Baby, what’s wrong?” I started to cry.

“How could Travis like a guy like Taylor, and hate a nice guy like Pete.” I said my brother had never, not gotten along with one of my boyfriends. In fact he’s always liked them and treated them well. So why didn’t he like the one he had the most in common with? “I mean mom seriously when I was with Taylor I was always afraid that he was going to break up with me cause my hair wasn’t done when he saw me or cause I didn’t let him…” wait this is my mom. “Uh.”

“Your mother is not dumb, I know why you and Taylor broke up on prom night.” She paused and pushed one of my pink streaks behind my ear. “And I’m proud of you for not letting someone pressure you into something you knew you weren’t ready for.” I smiled it was always nice to hear that someone was proud of me “ I know that right now Pete makes you happy and that’s all that matter’s to me. I’m not happy about the age thing, but he seems nice enough.” I gave her a hug, then there was a knock at the door.

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