Chapter 31, 32

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Chapter 31

(Nonnie’s POV)

I sat there a little stunned by what I was reading some of the boardies were really nice. But others were seriously bashing me. I resolved not to let it upset me. I’m a big girl and none of them even know me. I looked at the small clock in the corner of the monitor. It was time to start setting up the merch table. I hadn’t even noticed that Pete and Joe had already left to get ready for the show.

I got off the FOB bus and headed to where we would set up. Callie joined me a few minutes later I knew she was still having a pretty hard time with the Travis/Gabe thing. "So how did things go with Gabe?"

"Fine, we are still friends he knows I don’t want anything more. For the rest of the tour I’ll be staying on the Cobra bus."

"I saw Travis on my way over here, he didn’t look so good."

"Yeah, Vodka will do that to a person. I saw him too he tried to tell me we were still able to be friends, I said we could just not so soon after the break up. That didn’t make him too happy."

"I think you guys should give it another try." I don’t know why I said it, but I realized I really meant it.

"Like I said Travis doesn’t want to and I can’t force him to, besides I screwed up." before I could talk to her some more they opened the gates and thousands of kids swarmed looking for the best places to watch the show. Once the rush for seats was over it was our time to shine, the kids wanted to get their merch before the concert started.

"Hey, your Nonnie and Callie right?" a girl who was about 15 and had long black hair. Her eyes caked with too much make-up.

"Yeah," I said "I’m Nonnie and that’s Callie. What can I do for you."

"Yeah I think I want that blue shirt."

"What size hun?"


"Yeah what else?"

"Well can I get a picture with you two?" she said in a shy voice.

"Uh…sure." It went like this for hours the line was surging forward with impatient fans.

"How bout after the show we take the picture the line is getting really long." I said as another group of girls asked for a picture. I let them pay for their merch and then as they walked away I heard them saying.

"She is so stuck up."

"And did you see her hair pink streaks who does that?"

"Yeah and her breath stank." My cheeks were burning and I really just wanted to leave but I knew I couldn’t leave Callie here alone the concert wasn’t even halfway over. Finally it ended the day from hell. I climbed onto the FOB bus and sat down in front of the laptop. Callie didn’t seem to have a problem with this whole thing but I was starting to. I logged onto the boards, and skimmed the treads. One Jumped out at me. "The Real Nonnie McCoy" I clicked it and inside was a link. I followed and gasped when I saw what it was.


So you all have obviously heard the rumors about Nonnie McCoy and her relationship with Pete. I'm an ex-boyfriend of her's and I have to say I'm not surprised that she landed herself a band guy. She's always been easy if you know what I mean. We broke up because she just couldn't stop hooking up with random guys. No matter how nice she may seem trust me that girl, is nothing but a conniving slut. I should know, we dated for two years. If you guys want to talk some more leave me messages and comments I'll tell you everything you want to know. That bitch deserves it. He was better off with Ashlee at least she could sing.

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