part 63

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after months of y/n trying to figure out who she wanted she ended up going back to dejuane and they've been together since dejuane hasn't messed up again and he doesn't plan on doing it ever again kairi dated isabel so he's fine everyone is doing great but y/n and dejuane got married again and as the years past their love for each other grew they squashed beef with everyone and no matter what happened they loved each well today they were outside watching all the kids running around and playing with each other and the dog at their new house that they got apart from the others in the backyard while y/n and dejuane sipped lemonade while holding hands

Dejuane: i love you so much y/n you've made me the happiest these few years and i'm glad this is how our story will end with us together
Y: it's like i've been living a fairytale this whole time i love you so much dejuane mccoy
Dejuane: and i love you too y/n mccoy
Y: till death do we part

the end so thankful for everyone who stuck around till the end and i'm sad the story had to end but i'm glad to say that why am i never enough was my first ever story and it inspired me to make more i appreciate all of you guys you'll always be family to me and i'm grateful for everyone who stuck around through the happy moments and sad moments even the moments that made you want to stop reading i appreciate all of you guys so much if you want to i have other stories out that you can read i have one mike story and one kobe story but if not then i love you so much remember to always be happy and smile and know your worth and that you're so beautiful i love all of you so freaking much never settle for anyone unless they check everything in your box and dm me if you have any questions on maybe how to start a story or if you just want to show your appreciation but i guess this is goodbye ❤️🥺

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