part 2

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a few hours past and y/n got up getting the kids ready and taking them to school while she took them inside the school she had the twins on both of her hips talking to their teachers then the twins started crying so she walked out the school going in the car and calming them down then heading back to the house they walked in going upstairs so y/n could change their diapers but she realized she needed more so she put the babies in their car seat along with their scroller then she got in the car going to the store when she walked in she went to get diapers she found a pack with over 100 diapers in it so while she was in there she got a crib for the new baby that's coming, diapers, wipes, bottles, baby formula, and baby toys she started walking to the line playing with the twins by bopping their noses and making them laugh she saw some guy looking at her from the corner of her eye so she turned to look at them and they smiled and waved at her so she returned the same smile then turned back to the babies making sure they were ok as she was paying she felt someone tap on her shoulder so she turned looking at the guy

??: hey my name is vexton
Y: hi now if you don't mind i need to get back to this
Vexton: can i get your name
Y: no you cannot
Vexton: well can i know what a pretty lady like you're doing here alone
Y: i needed diapers and crap for my babies
Vexton: why by yourself
Y: well that's what you have to do vexton when your ex husband cheats on you
Vexton: sorry maybe i should've minded my business
Y: it's fine not everything goes as planned
Vexton: well i guess i'll leave you alone
Y: y/n
Vexton: what
Y: my name it's y/n
Vexton: well hopefully we bump into each other again one day y/n
Y: maybe

vexton walked off and y/n finished scanning the things then once she finished she put the bags in the cart and walked out going to her car once she made it she put the twins inside then the bags as she was putting the crib in she almost fell but someone caught her so she stood up seeing vexton

Y: well this is embarrassing but thank you
Vexton: couldn't let you fall
Y: thank you for real though i could've really been hurt i also could've hurt this joy
Vexton: what joy
Y: oh well you can't tell yet but i'm 3 months pregnant
Vexton: so there's 3 mini y/ns
Y: four and one on the way so that's five
Vexton: whew you've been busy
Y: very funny vexton
Vexton: for real though what made you have five kids
Y: well when you think that's the only way to make someone stay then that's what you do but i'm definitely done with have anymore
Vexton: what happened if i may ask
Y: can't get my business out of me that easily
Vexton: well maybe one day
Y: haha bye vexton thank you once again
Vexton: no problem stay safe
Y: you too

vexton helped put the crib in the trunk then y/n closed it getting back in the car and driving off going back to house she stepped inside putting everything in her room then rocking the kids back and forth until they fell asleep so she took the opportunity to take a shower and get cleaned up once she finished she put on her pajama set and walked downstairs watching the clock until the kids were out of school as someone knocked on the door she got up opening seeing dejuane and all she did was walk off sitting back on the couch

Dejuane: i just wanted to talk to you
Y: what don't you get of leaving me alone
Dejuane: i still love you
Y: well stop loving me
Dejuane: that's the problem i can't
Y: well then you should've thought of that before you cheated then we wouldn't be here
Dejuane: i'll love you forever
Y: and i feel bad for you
Kairi: i think you should go
Dejuane: yea i guess so

dejuane walked out and y/n hung her head low crying later kobe came over giving her a hug and just making sure she was ok which she wasn't but she had to put up a front or she knew she'd go back to dejuane and that could never happen again so as the time went by she wiped her eyes and got her keys walking out the house and getting in the car going to the school to pick up the kids as they ran to the car y/n picked them up and sat them inside the car

Y: how was y'all day
Azlynn: i got in trouble today
Y: for what
Azlynn: this girl was being mean to me so i hit her now we have to have a parent teacher conference
Y: azlynn all because someone is being mean to you doesn't mean you hit them
Azlynn: but you do
Y: it's different with me azzy
Azlynn: no it's not
Y: azlynn i don't have time for this today so until you learn to control your anger i'm taking your phone and you'll go to sleep at 9 for now on
Azlynn: this is so unfair i hate it here

all the stress washing over y/n she threw her head back trying to calm herself down then she drove out the parking lot and straight home then she went upstairs taking azlynns phone while she yelled and cried then she walked downstairs sitting on a chair pissed off

Kobe: what's wrong
Y: i can't do this cutie
Kobe: why not
Y: i have the twins to worry about thank God they're sleep but now azlynn has a problem with controlling her anger it's like the only good kid i have is fucking dj
Kobe: we can help
Y: i can't always put my responsibilities on someone else the kids will notice if i push them away like that but i could use some help with azlynn

they kept talking until y/n felt better then she went upstairs seeing azlynn cried herself to sleep so feeling bad she woke her up giving her the phone back but they made a promise that if azlynn couldn't control herself then she'd get it took so after that she apologized to y/n and kissed her cheek then she fell asleep next to dj and the twins woke up so y/n laid them on her chest until they fell asleep also


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