Partnership (3)

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"So, your father agrees with this deal..."

"He agreed..." He agreed and didn't even talk to me? What? Has Mom brainwashed him or something? And who calls marriage a 'Deal'? He is not into dowry or something right?

"We won't pay you anything." No matter what I won't be married to some orthodox dowry taking chauvinist.

"Okay. You don't have to pay us anything?" Why would they pay us anything? We are the one investing in their company.

Okay so he is not orthodox dowry taking man, possibly chauvinist.

"But lets not call it a 'Deal'. Sounds so wrong..." Actually, it sounds so wrong. We are talking about marriage not human trafficking!

"What do you want to call it then?" What is so wrong about calling investing a 'Deal'?

"Um...Let's call it a..." Relationship? No way. Date? Nah.

"Partnership." Hope this suffices her urge to call a 'deal' like its not a 'deal'.

"Partnership." Works for me. He is smart, I'll give him that.

Now what? Somehow, why am I always the one under the spotlight. Even when we are just two people his presence is so strong. His gaze just makes me a bit nervous, like I must speak or else I'll simply meltdown.

"So what about your past relationships?" This was so outspoken of me! Shit who asks like that?

Relationships? Does she mean our past investments? God this girl NEEDS to work on her choice of words.

"You mean 'Partnerships'?"

"Yes." Whatever you want to call your ex-girlfriends.

"So what do you want to know about them?" Okay so she isn't that dumb when it comes to business. She wants to know how well had we handled the projects in the past and if we were able to help the companies grow or not. Smart choice of question.

"So how many of them you had?" He is okay with me asking him this directly? Carefree attitude.

"Hmm...I had many. All were pretty successful and fruitful. Even today many function under my guidance, but mostly my assistants and subordinates look after." I feel to smug telling her that I headed most of the companies.

He has had many girlfriends which he hooked up with his assistants and subordinates?! And he has that smug expression for this? What is wrong with this man? Who says such things on a date? Am I supposed to be impressed?

Successful? Fruitful? And he said even today they work under his guidance. What is he, a girl catching net for his colleagues? He gets the girl then make the relationship be successful and then passes them to his assistants? Yuck.

"And no one crosses you on this? They support you? I mean your assistants, family anyone?"

"No why would they? Infact Dad is so proud of me. He is even better than me. All I do today I have learnt from him. You see he is my inspiration." I love my Dad. All I have learnt in handling deals and negotiating is from him.

"He does this work too?" WHAT!?

"Oh yes, obviously. He guides me through everything, you know teaching tricks and skills. My mother is so proud of my work, the kind of results I have got."

"Your..mother knows about your partnerships? And that your father is involved and she is proud of you both?" I should not laugh but this is so hilarious! I can manage not to laugh and just put on a smile. What a family? The father teaches the son 'tricks' and 'skills' to woo women and he himself is a master. Moreover, his wife knows about it and proud of them!

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