Cinderella story

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Who doesn't want to be a princess? Be a Cinderella and find her Prince Charming. All it takes is just a glass slipper to be found by him and then love follows.

Well my life was just Simple, as you put it. I was not the most popular girl. Not one with extremely good fashion sense, not one with the top grade or neither I came from a family who was filthy rich. I was everything but a princess who any boy would glance a look at.

I was a fair maiden, just pretty enough to not be called a sore to the eye.

What I did possess were my blue Crocs.

They are magical as I call them.

Not that I have met some prince Charming yet but they are magical because they are jinxed, I guess? All they do is land me in trouble and bring me embarrassments.

There are numerous incidents. I'll quote a few here.

Once I was in the cinema and in the middle of the most serious scene of the overly boring movie, I was shaking my leg. My crocs flew off in the front. I rushed ahead and not on the first hold did I grabbed them. They somehow toppled further stairs and when I picked them up, I hear snorts. Yes, really embarrassing.

Once they flew off in the middle of the canteen. I was rushing to class and they were just off my feet.

The other time I was walking along the road and I spotted the puddle of water on the other side of the road. Well a normal person would not get close to it and I did exactly the same. Then there was this white car rushing to God knows where and the next moment I just jumped to my left, saving my pants from the splash.

All was good until I realised my feet were in another mud puddle and my blue crocs all drenching with mud. Just Great!

There have been other minor things too, like a stray dog licking them, a bird shitting on them or ketchup all on them while I was having street food.

However, they have magic in them for good reasons too. I wore them for my entrance exam in college, I scored the highest. I wore them for presentations and all were really appreciated.

I wore them and never missed a train for college. I always got the cab.

They are lucky as well as unlucky. I know. And I still love them. Even Cinderella got a bane in form of time for her magical night.

Well all was fine until it flew out of my feet while I was kicking the air in frustration for a bad bargain in the mall. It all happened in slow motion. The blue left footwear was in the air and the next moment there was its muddy shoe print on white shoulders. With a soft thud it fell behind the white shirt person. All eyes around once danced between me, the footwear and the person who hadn't even turned around. Great! My life sucks!



Something hit me and I am not a least bit happy about it. I turn around and spot a navy blue croc lying on the cream flooring of the third floor of the mall. I pick up the footwear and definitely have a frown on my face.

 I might be angry, in fact a lot because I am told by my sister who is beside me and trying her level best to control her laughter, that now I have a huge shoe print on my new white shirt which I have to wear and hurry at some important meeting. Just Great! The person better be begging me for forgiveness.

Then there is a girl running her way towards me. She has long hair blowing behind her. She is beautiful and if she begs me, I might let this one mistake get past.

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