Chapter 8

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I decided I'll help this child, for now. I don't plan any longer relationship, of course.

I throw an apple to her, as she quickly catches it in a firm grasp. She then bites into it, like she wouldn't have eaten for ages. Damn, kids. What should I do with her?

I ruffle her hair as she happily consumes the fruit. Poor kid, I hope we'll find someone to take care of her. But the problem is, who'd take the Radiant? She's different, just like me. I was lucky to have a mom who'd accept such a freak of nature, able to destroy her with a snap. Despite all, she loved and cared about me. I've always appreciated it, but unfortunately she was punished for it.

I snap out and immediately notice kid's absence. Where the hell did she go? Such a pain in the ass! I told her not to go away. Or maybe someone kidnapped her... No, no, push these thoughts away. We're currently in Adel, the city pretty close to Split. I know all the hiding spots, shortcuts and cafeterias here. What if they realised I'm gone and sent someone to get me? Argh, so many thoughts and I'm running short on time. If I don't find her soon, every minute my chances to find her go down.

I wander around, pushing people away and carefully looking around the corners. Bad, bad, bad. I can't notice her dark braids anywhere. All I see after a moment is eaten apple, on the ground. Then it catches my attention.

The white coat.

I run there, not caring about the people I push to the ground. I need to get here in time. I don't know whether he'd hurt a kid, but you never know. I... Barely know anything about him. The moment I get to the corner he disappeared behind, there's nothing there. When I turn around, I suddenly feel as a strong hand grabs half of my face tightly.

- Shuuush, I gotchu. - I hear a familiar voice.

My eyes go wide, as I try to focus and gather electricity in me. That's the only thing that can get me away from him now.

- There you are, little one. Trying to run away from me? - He whispers in my ear and I feel his hand tighten on my jaw. Painfully. - Naughty girl.

I see Maya, looking up at me with a blank stare. What did he do to her?

I do what comes first to my mind. Very silly. I bite into his hand, additionally sending a wave of electricity at him. He gasps, surprised and lets me go quickly.

- Damn! That hurt! - he massages his palm, smile growing under his mask for sure. - Do me a favour, Sparkle, and don't fight back. It's pointless.

I stand in front of a girl and feel her hands holding the edge of my cloth.

- It's alright, Maya, don't worry about this man.

Oh how ironic, I'm worried as hell about this man. Why he's so aggressive now? Has my escape reassured him I'm not trustworthy? I clench my teeth painfully as I try to keep control of myself. What's weird is that... I don't feel as terrified as I'm hurt. I don't understand this feeling. I can't place it.

- Aamir, we can talk this out.

- Cypher, for you. - he says slowly, a chuckle following.

- Cypher. This kid needs a home, not a war world. Please. Help her, then you can do whatever you want with me.

I see as he thinks intensively, I could say I see his brain steam. I step back and that's my huge mistake. I feel something stick to me, holding firmly. Darn trapwires, I can't move now.

I hear him laugh.

- Oh how convenient! - he exclaims, still laughing. - This is so convenient!

I frown, disappointed but not surprised at my own stupidity. I should've known he's ready for my every move. He probably predicted my escape before I planned it.


I keep staring at her, stunned. I stand up, approaching her quickly, grabbing her elbows.

- You're... You're here! - I say, shocked.

- Of course I am, silly. - she snorts, a slight smile growing on her face. - Why would I go? - she sincerely seems confused.

Yes, true, why would she go?

I feel her hands gently grabbing my palms and taking them off from her elbows.

- I wonder. - she scratches her head. - Have you doubted me?

- No, of course not. - I quickly answer.

- If everything's clear now, can we finish this meeting? I have more important stuff to do. - I hear Brim's voice behind my back.

I nod, and watch as everyone heads out, including Laria. I reach hand after her, and after a moment of hesitation I grab her shoulder.

- I thought you ran off.

- No, what a thought. - she smiles, patting my shoulder. It doesn't feel familiar, though. And warm, as it usually does. - Aamir, you should head to sleep. I know you've been up for two days.

I frown. Something's off here. That's not what [y/n] would say. Maybe I'm just overreacting, or should I trust my senses this time? I'm so lost.


I was taken back to the place I wanted to escape from. I see all familiar faces, looking at me. I feel hostility, from Jett too. Cypher mostly. Everyone's eyes are on me, intensively watching. I hold my arm, feeling terrible around them now. They took Maya, somewhere, and that's what worries me, too. I dare to look up and I spot Reyna. This is the worst person I could look at. Her stare literally stabs me, I feel it going through my heart, paralysing my lungs. I exhale nervously, and finally speak up:

- I'm sorry.

The silence follows. Nobody says anything. I feel the tension in the air, and I start to feel weak. After a moment I hear steps, more and more of them, walking away. I noticed my mistake.

I should've never left them. Now they're turning their backs on me.

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