Chapter 17

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In the evening I met up with Viper. She seems way more friendly when she's dressed up in her black, cosy sweater and doesn't have all that gear on. We actually getting on pretty well, which I didn't expect to go so easily - we can't stop talking about random things, as if we'd know each other for some time. We indeed at first talked about her inventions, but later on moved to more random topics. It was just fun.

Aamir keeps messaging me and asking how I feel, whether I'm fine or not. Of course I am, I think it was just a sudden belly ache which I shouldn't care all that much about. Viper stares at me, intrigued, and I just smile.

"Cypher. Just concerned about how I'm feeling." I reply, nodding.

"And how are you feeling?" She says, tilting her head slowly, observing me carefully.

"Just fine." I reassure her, holding the cup of cocoa in my hands. "It was just a temporary pain before." I sigh, remembering what happened during Aamir's talk with me. The reason is still unknown, and I highly doubt it will be known any time soon.

"Have you heard?" Viper turned stare at her coffee. Yes, I asked for a cocoa instead of coffee, and she politely made one for me. How come people are scared of her? "More radianite's been found in the sea." She sips her drink, watching my face to analyse my reaction. I raise an eyebrow in confusion, blinking repeatedly.

"What do you mean, 'more'?" I say surprised. "Isn't that thing radioactive? I thought there was no more of this shit..." I shake my head, just imagining the problems it may cause. And then, I remember. The weird feeling of lacking the control over my body for a second during the stomach ache. Is there a possibility it's connected...?

Might be, as recently I've been having headaches often, too. Aamir's been doing his best to ease my state during the recent days, but still it's been terribly bothering. I couldn't focus on my tasks properly and I was getting annoyed at the smallest things. Omen seemed to be disturbed as well, and I haven't seen Jett for a while. Is there a possibility all of the Radiants might be impacted by the income of the radianite?

Sabine is watching my expression change about five times during my thinking process. Her tiny smile shows me that she's been thinking the same.

"But why would it come to the Earth, right?" She says slowly, picking her words carefully. "There must be something that pulls them over, for sure. Scientists haven't found anything that would explain it's weird behaviour but here we are, about to witness world's end."

The longer I think about it, the worst perspective of the world's end is. Just imagining the whole ground grumble and people dying.
The radianite is radioactive, so obviously it'd have an impact on normal people, too. But I think, as the Radiant, it infects the gifted ones more.

Sabine smiles slowly, but it seems to be a bit sad one.

"There was a lot of radianite found near the city called Bind, as well. We're going there soon." She says, taking my empty cup away and outing it into the sink. "Isn't that Cypher's hometown, Laria?"

I nod slowly, looking at her. "Why would the Kingdom build their base there? Why did they invade innocent people? And why there's so much... Radianite..." I snap with my fingers. "Do you think there's some sort of thing that pulls the whole radianite over?"

Viper shrugs. "No idea. But interesting." She whispers, and stares at me for a while. "I'd love to see it myself."

After a few hours I get back at the Valorant's headquarters. I had a lot of fun with Viper, but turns out I have a lot of fun to come with paperwork Brimstone brought over. I stare at the piles of papers to fill and already feel the headache. It's only because of the fact I'm... Relatively "new", and they just need to note down every single thing about me.

Sometimes I wonder, how the rest of the Radiants got captured. I bet not in the nicest way. I was captured really early, but I wasn't brought directly to the organisation, instead I was brought into lab; they thought my abilities are useless, and wanted to get rid of me. Well, surprise, I think I'm quite useful - at least that's what I assume from the latest reports I saw.

I think the Valorant's situation was worse when it was under the Kingdom's full control. They captured me using Cypher (which wasn't the nicest, I need to admit, as his traps are actually pretty painful), but if I'm being honest I would've never tried to work with them on peaceful terms. Only if they made me listen to what they had to offer, which they did, I'd probably join. Not only they made me a part of organisation, but also took care of me and actually gave me a new family.

I sit down on the chair and look at the papers in front of me. The only sound coming out of my mouth is a loud groan, filled with suffering. This is the last thing I wanted to do today.

I notice a movement outside the doors and see Aamir trying to come in. I blink in surprise. Approaching the door, I open the widely and see him standing stiffly with two cups.

"I wondered if you'd like some warm tea." He smiles and makes his way into the room without asking even. I shrug it off and close the door after him, following in his steps and standing beside him. He slowly puts two cups on the desk and looks at the pile of papers. "All yours?" He chuckled, taking the first one from the top. Flicking and reading it, he looks me dead in the eye and goes: "This is bullshit."

I smile nervously and giggle, but I completely agree. I have no idea what's all this documentation for. Literally nothing.

He pulls over the other chair and takes half of the pile. "I have nothing else to do anyways." He takes off his mask and puts it aside. Then, he turns his scarred face at me and grins widely, showing a row of his teeth. I can't help but smile at it, just automatically and shake my head.

"I mean you don't have to if you don't want to." I say quickly, reassuring that if he doesn't have a will to do the work he just doesn't have to. Simple as it is.

He pats my back and shakes head dramatically. "Poor child, I can't leave you with this hell. Let me just take care of this real quick with you!" From back he goes to my head and ruffles my [h/c] hair.


I fill the papers, putting my whole heart into it. As much as I don't like it, I do it for her. That is the most boring part of being an agent with super abilities - tons of papers to fill. Describing your powers in detail. Can it kill? Can it heal? Can it fix? And all that bullcrap...

The hours are passing and the pile is getting smaller. The more I'm invested into it, the faster I do it. The only distraction to me is...


As always.

From time to time I just look at her for a second and watch her focused face and fast handwriting appear on the paper. She just wants to get it over with as well.

Her eyelids seem to get heavier with every word she writes. [Y/n]'s head keeps falling from time to time, as if she'd be falling asleep sometimes. I bet she's doing her best to stay conscious, but failing miserably.

When I see she's completely unconscious, and she's hardly answering any questions, I just pick her up.


It feels like a natural thing to do.
I sit her down on the sofa, grabbing some papers I need to read and sit down beside her. Just putting a hand gently on her head makes her fall immediately on my lap. Gently stroking her hair, I touch her face as well. I bet it's not only calming for her, but the same feeling spreads over my body. As I watch her rest, I'm resting too.
I gently brush her cheekbone with my finger and then just stroke her hair.

She seems so calm.

Every time I touch her skin I just feel my heart jump. And it used to be very bothering, now I don't mind at all. And I don't think I will. I want to stay like this, forever. Just like when we danced together - I didn't want to let her go, I wanted to make sure she doesn't get hurt by the smallest thing.

Not anymore.


Goshhh, that was a long time of no uploading! Sorry about that!

Hope you're doing great guys :) <3

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