Chapter 11 (Finally My Baby)

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I closed my eyes and took deep breaths as I was lowered back onto solid ground. I have done it. I have performed for the Superbowl. Everything in those twelve and a half minutes went pretty well.  My crew congratulated me and helped me out of the equipment. I stumbled onto the ground, feeling weak once again. John was standing there, smiling at me in recognition.  I could feel my anger and fear boiling up. I’m terrified to lose him again, but at the same time I am extremely offended about how he just left me there this morning like a toy.

‘That was amazing Katy! You have done it!’

I glanced at him and kept walking, ignoring him. It did not take long for John to grab me by the arm and bring me close to him again.

‘I am so sorry about this morning… I didn’t mean to just run away from you, it’s just there was something that I had to take care of…’

‘If you didn’t mean to then why did you do so?’

‘Just have trust in me for now Katy… you will thank me later, I promise.

I shrugged at John and sped up my pace. I would be lying if I said that it did not hurt to see him literally run away from me this morning. Tamra came to my side and passed me a glass of water. I thanked her, but I couldn’t help but notice that she was still watching me in a mischievous way. 


‘What what?’

‘Why is everyone acting so strange around me today? Please don’t tell me that you all are going to come back and judge me again. The performance wasn’t that bad was it?’

‘No! It was amazing! What are you talking about?’

‘Then why are you staring at me?’

‘Nothing… but you are going to love John so much like I cannot even…’

‘Why does everyone keep on saying that?’

I wrapped my arms around myself as I proceeded towards my dressing room as cheers roared outside in the stadium. ‘The second half of the game must be starting now, and I will be nobody again.’ I thought to myself.

I was consumed in my own thoughts again and I was sinking again before I knew it. Tears were oozing out again. I tried to hold it all in for another ten seconds until I would finally be left in peace in my dressing room. Long lenses were still flashing in my face, although Tamra tried her very best to cover me to let my emotions out.

The door opened and immediately, applause and cheers exploded in the room. I dropped my glass of water when I saw who was right in front of me. She nodded and pulled on a bright grin, the one that I remember so vividly.

‘Well done Katy… I am so proud of you…’

‘Catcat… is this really you?’

‘This is really me and you are not dreaming… I’m back… did you miss me?’

At this point, I did not even bother to answer her. I pushed past everything and ran into her arms. I could feel love flowing back into the hole in my heart.

‘Baby… I missed you so much…’

(Catherina’s POV)

My heart quivered as I saw how skinny and broken Katy was. She was in fists of tears and so was I. We finally got to embrace each other after all the times that I have been gone. Katy grasped onto me as tightly as she could as if she was scared to lose me again.

‘I will never leave you again Katy… I am so sorry…’

‘Don’t be… I’m sorry for what I put you through… I mean I should have told you about Ian…I am sorry for being such a coward.’

‘I’m sorry for leaving you like this, and for being afraid to come back to you.’

‘Was it really you? The woman at the airport, the girl that saved me from the edges of my balcony?’

‘It was me… and the one that broke into your house and left the letter.’

‘What letter?’

‘It doesn’t matter now, you have me in the flesh.’

‘I know… I know baby…’

(Katy’s POV)

I was cling to her all the way from getting in the car to going into the hotel room. It felt like she was the mother instead of the other way round. I felt as if there is a protective shield around me, intercepting all the demons that are near me. The second she moved away from me I was ambushed again. Catcat turned around to face me, immediately understanding my fears.

‘Hey…it’s alright now Katy… I’m here to stay I promise you. I am so ashamed for wanting you to suffer after what you put me through… I thought that it would all make me feel better, but it did not. I understand it all now. I am so sorry for what I did to you. I should have came back to you as soon as the identity of XXX was revealed. Now do you want to eat something?’

‘I’m fine… I’m just afraid to lose you again… baby it hurt so much for me to even think of losing you…’

‘I know Katy…When did you last eat?’

‘I… it really doesn’t matter…’

‘Well it does to me! You have to get better so that we can have fun together again! We have to help each other get better again, Promise?’

‘Promise baby.’

‘Now do you want a sandwich or pizza or pasta?’

‘Pizza sounds good…’ I said with a smile.

‘This time, I am going to make it. You are never cooking again!’

‘Come on! That was ages ago!’

‘I will never forget it.’

Catcat served the both of us a peperoni pizza. I couldn’t even let go of her hand at all.  She laughed at me, but it was so hard losing her multiple times.

‘Katy why don’t you superglue yourself to me?’

‘Babes it’s just that I miss you so much… Please just let me be…’

‘Alright… just for you okay?’

‘Thanks… I love you so much…’

‘I love you too…’

I rested on her lap in silence; we were both enjoying each other’s presence. She’s so pretty as a brunette. She was almost the same as she was when she left me, except much happier and healthier.  She is my perfect little baby, my angel that I vow not to lose again.

Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now