Chapter 4 (Bad Blood)

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(Catherina's POV)

I stood at the gates of Katy's house, hoping that she had not set up a security camera or anything like that after I left. I stood there, hoping that she did not change the code of her log-in. I pinned in the old passcode, and it did open. I went inside and opened her door with my key, and yes, I somehow did remembered to take it with me when I left. I got into the familiar mansion, but it was so quiet. No one has been there for months since Katy went on tour and since the cats went to someone else's place to be taken care of.

I went upstairs and went into my room, and everything was just as I left it. I still have the half burnt candles on my nightstand, some clothes that I did not take along with me. I went into the closet to get the one thing that I left as I did not think that I would need, the pink Chanel dress. I took the money that I stored under my bed, that few thousand bucks that Katy gave me as my pocket money. It was a short visit, but it was worth the risk.

I left and took a bus to downtown where my little doggy flat was. Life was so boring to be on your own. Ever since Josh left, I was left here with nothing but pain and memories. I should have know better that no one can be as good as Nathan, as that kind of caring being just does not exist anymore, he was the last. I curled up in bed trying to fight my monsters, life is hard without any friends, or even anyone to talk to...

(Angela's POV)

'Hey... hey Angie wake up... wake up!'

I sat up and rubbed my eyes. That was weird, Katy never wakes me up, it was always the way round. I tried my best to keep myself awake and looked at her, ready to help her solve her problems.

'Katy what is it? Are you alright? What time is it?'

'It's four!  Wake up!'

'Four? Katy we don't have to be up till seven today!'

'I know! But I really have to talk to you!'

'What's wrong? Katy if this is about Catcat again I am not talking about that... we have talked about this already! Katy did you even go back to sleep?'

'Nah, I couldn't, I was just writing in my diary.'

'Since when did you have a diary Katy?'

'Since Catcat, she told me that it has magic and can keep you on the right track...'

'What is it Katy?'

'I really think that it is Catcat... I mean we never knew who killed her, Ian never owned up to killing her. If he did kill Catcat why wouldn't he just say it? He already confessed to killing Nathan and Lily, another life will not change his sentence. He did say that it was Alexis and John who claimed that they took care of Catcat, but clearly they are on our side. Surely they would not have really killed Catcat just to find who that XXX person is... and the explaination that John and Alexis gave... I don't know... it seemed so perfect that it seemed to be scripted...'

'Katy this is way too much... you should not be thinking about this. You know that you cannot just go back home, you have responsibilities here! You cannot just run back home because of this, you have to live in real life! I know that losing her is really hard, but you really have to move on...'

'I know that I cannot go home right now, but you can Angie... will you do this for me? I know that you do not believe me, but will you go home for me to check? Maybe you will surprise yourself, and maybe you will prove me wrong... there is no harm for you to go back... you don't have like proper responsibilities here if you know what I mean...'

'Oh I do Katy. My responsibility is to keep you safe and sound so that you cannot do anything stupid!'

'Tamra can do that... please, do this for me Angie?'

Katy gave me her best puppy eyes as she knew that I am going to fall for it just to make her happy. I signed and looked at her as I gripped her hand. 'When is my flight scheduled?'

'Yassssss! Thank you so much Angie! I love you! Your flight leaves at noon!' 

'You booked it before hand didn't you? You sneaky...'

Katy smiled at me as she went into the bathroom. Something stroke me and I screamed at her. She turned and looked at me with her annoying little sister quirking eyebrow.

'Katy I have to come with you into the bathroom.'

'What? Angie do you want to make out with me?' She said as she shook her body and walk towards me.

'No, I have to make sure that you don't hurt yourself.'

Katy's face changed and she looked at me and moaned. I know that she is not going to be pleased with me. 'Really? Is this how much you distrust me? I just need to pee.'

'Well I have to make sure.'

'I'll be real quick!' She screamed as she charged to the washroom and locked the door behind her.'


I started packing up my stuff as I waited for Katy to come out of the loo. As much as I love her, I can never deny that she sometimes really pisses me off with her cunning and sly actions. She came out after a short while and slipped back into bed with her laptop. I leaned over to her and watched her on her computer. 'What are you doing? Go and get some sleep Katy...'

'I'm just tumbling that's all...'

(Katy's POV)

My good mood was soon overthrown as Tamra came in and woke me up after twenty minutes of sleep that I had. I hate it when Tam wakes me, she wacks me with a pillow and grabbes my duvet, then run away with it. She gets me on time, but then she also gets my nerves so much. I got changed and went to get some food, and of course, Todd and Johnny were watching me as if I am some disgusting creature. 

'What is it?'

'Nothing Katy, nothing...'

I slammed my spoon onto the desk and stood up. I glared at them as pain and demons over took my mind again. 'Are you two going to start and judge me now? What have I done to you that I deserve this? If I hurt myself, that's my own bussiness! Stop staring and judging me! I just wanted to eat in peace!'

'Katy we were not judging you at all, what do you mean?'

It was a waste of time to even speak to them now. I threw my napkin onto the table and stormed out of the room. 'Where are you going?' 


'Katy wait!'


Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin