Chapter 17 (Lost Again)

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The court was dismissed a few minutes after Catcat stormed out of the room. Ian is sick and completely out of his mind and he should be treated. Besides, he will still be locked up in a mental ward for the rest of his life, so I really did not see much of a difference from Ian in prison or Ian locked up in a mental ward. I left the courtroom and went to the washroom to find Catcat. Usually when she is upset, she locks herself up in a cubicle and cries her heart out. 

'Catcat?' I said softly, knocking on the only locked cubicle. She gave me no response.  

'Who's that? What do you want?' Said a rasp and blunt voice.

'Oh my god I am so sorry!' I said, backing off and out of the toilet.

Where is she? I tried all the other toilets in the building but there were no sign of her at all. Great... I have lost her again and she is probably on her way to another state now. Panic-stricken, I called all my emergency contacts, hoping some of them would have heard from her. 

'Again? God Katheryn your daughter is utterly out of control! We'll meet you at your place all right? Stay calm and come home... we will find her and she will be safe...' 

'I've lost her again! Mom I have ruined us again! What should I do?'

'Katheryn go home now! Your dad and I will be coming over now. Just stay at home and do nothing stupid okay?' 

I got home and my parents were already in my house and making themselves at home.

'Mom... I've lost my baby girl again... what should I do?'

'Why do you always let her run away? Why can't you keep an eye on her? It really is not that hard is it?'

'I'm sorry... we were at the trial... and... and I thought that Catcat just stormed out to the toilet... I did not know that she left the court room...'

'Well you cannot be like "I thought" now can you? I thought after everything that you two have gone through you should be smart and mature enough to know that you cannot trust Catcat!'

'What do you mean I cannot trust her? She's my daughter and I will trust her with my life.' 

'And look where you are now Katheryn. Look at yourself! I don't even know who you are now anymore. I was right about that wrecked child of yours. You should not have kept it in the first place anyway. Look what that devil child has done to you! Look how much pain she has caused you!'

'That's enough now Mary. She's upset...'My dad said, finally standing up for me.

'That's another reason why your daughter should have got rid of her in the first place! I liked Catcat when I first met her! She was a wonderful and bright little girl. She was smart and talented, she had straight A's, could speak three different languages fluently, she played three different instruments. Catcat had a bright future ahead of her! She wanted to go to Harvard and wanted to be a doctor! The moment you scraped back into her life, well look at her! You made her lose everything! Katheryn, this is something that I have been telling you from the very first day. You keeping her will ruin her. Now do you see what I mean?'

'MARY! THAT'S ENOUGH! Whatever and whoever's fault this is, can we just focus on finding her? Mary, everyone has sinned, even you and me. I think we have to solve this problem as a family together and not to get in each other's faces. This is not helping the problem. Catcat has been through a lot, and we have been a part of it. She just needs to refer us as her home and family and get over her past... as you said she is a very bright girl! We can help her if we stick together!'

My dad said desperately, hugging me and allowing me to sob loudly into his leather coat.

'It's going to be okay Katy... We are going to find her.'

'Keith how can you still not understand this? Catcat is smart, but she is evil! She does not use her intelligence in the right way! She hurts others with her wits! I understand running away, but letting her family think that she is dead? That is something different. She lost someone that she loved once, she knows exactly how much it hurts, but she still let Katy suffer the same pain. You don't do that to people on purpose!'

'Mary I'm going with Katy to find Catcat. If you have nothing good to say, don't say it and don't come. Katy come on let's go, pass me your keys... yes pass them, you are not driving when you are in fists of tears. Come on, grab your coat and get in the car. Yes we'll find her, I promise you. Now move! If you are going to stand here we are not going to find her.'

'Thanks dad...'

'For what?' He said, placing his hand on my thigh.

'For believing in me, and for believing in Catcat.'

'I'm your dad Katy... I'll always believe in you and love you. Everyone sins and makes mistakes, but as long as you repent at the end of the day, you will always be forgiven.  I love you little feather.'

'I love you too dad...' I whispered as I tried my best to swallow my sobs.

'Now do you have any idea where she might have gone after that horrible trial?'

'I think I know where she went...' 

Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now