Chapter 8 (Saviour)

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(Catherina’s POV)

Going to check on Katy on my birthday was not that much of a bad idea after all. At first all I wanted to do was to watch her. At least I could sort of spend my birthday with someone that I love… But the situation was different. When I sneaked into Katy’s house, I thought that she was not at home. I wandered upstairs aimlessly while chewing on my nails as usual.

My heart skipped a beat when I heard a baby’s cry. It was the little kid that Katy adopted after she thought that John killed its mother. Then it hit me, if there is a baby at home, surely Katy or at least someone is at home. I immediately became more alert as I ventured from room to room. At last I found Katy sitting on the edge of her balcony. Consider what I have gone through too, I was certain that she was attempting suicide.

She cannot die of course. She is the only one that I have left in this entire world. But if Katy dies, I will also have a reason to kill myself to be with her. Of course I had to do the right thing and save her. Although I don’t mind dying along with her, it did not mean that I can be selfish and take her away from her family and Katycats, it was just not fair.

I charged at her and grabbed her bony waist and dragged her backwards as hard as I could.  Having been anorexic I could not possibly take all her weight, as soon as she was far enough from the edge I dropped her and she fell head first on the hard shiny marble floor.

She screamed, and I cursed. I meant to drop her, instead of throwing her to the ground. Katy, being Katy instantly recognized my voice as I spoke. She begged me to stay when I blamed her for lying to me about Ian.

For a split of a second I really considered catching Katy’s hand and welcome her into my arms. I felt really sorry for leaving her without a proper goodbye. She still thinks that I died hating her. She was on the floor, completely shattered and broken. She reached out to me, begging me to take her hand, to support her and get her back on her feet.

Once we started our conversation it got very heated in a short period of time. At that moment I realized that I couldn’t go back to her, not right now. I grabbed her lamp and whacked her on the back of her head before escaping from her mansion once again.

(Katy’s POV)

I sat on the floor as I rocked Millie back and forth, humming tunes that Catcat used to hum when she was unhappy. Millie was sleeping in my arms peacefully as usual.

It is a funny thing how everyone is born innocent. Millie lost her mother because of me. She should be as far away from me as possible. But instead, she would sleep peacefully in my arms as if I were her guardian angel. When everyone is born, they love whoever that appears to be nice and caring of them, even though when they are not truly their best chance. Looking at her, I realized one thing.

I always feared that Catcat would hate me if she grew up with me as I am not good enough. I feared that she would hate me for not giving her enough materialistic items, but it is actually not the case.

I don’t know exactly what someone as special as Catcat would want of me, but I am sure that it is not my money. It’s really funny how everyone is born the same, but some grow up to be angels and to be perfect at everything like Angela. Then there are some normal ones that live a fairly happy and simple life. Those are not too special, but they are enough and good enough like David. Then there are the ones that turn evil and into monsters. The ones who are never good enough no matter how hard they try, their lives are genuinely horrible pathetic. Those are the ones like me.

I put Millie back into her crib and lay on my bed, staring at the spinning fan on the ceiling. What have I done to my family? I attempted to call Angela, but she refused to answer my call. What can I expect? I have continuously let people who love me down. They tried to put hope back into my life, but instead I sucked life out of them.


 ‘Hey Katy, are you okay?’

‘No I’m not… I know that this is really weird, but I really have to see you right now. I know that I said that I wanted a break but right now… I don’t even know… I just really need you… Can you come over?’

‘Um yeah sure. Hey listen I am really sorry for not telling you about my new baby girl. I know that you feel really betrayed but please, believe me… I would take it back if I could. If I could I would have told you from day one. I was a coward. I was afraid that I was going to lose you… I am so sorry Katy… I love you…’

‘I- I can’t do this on the phone… will you please come to my place?’

‘Of course! I will be here in two ticks! Wait for me!’

(Catherina’s POV)

All the way back home I had this really uneasy feeling that someone was following me. I kept on looking back, but there was no one to be seen. It was pitch black outside and let’s just say that being a young girl out and about in the middle of the night is not the safest thing to do.

After running a marathon, I managed to get home safely but there was still something wrong with the atmosphere. The moment I stepped out of the shower I heard someone rummaging outside my door.  It seemed like that they were about to break into my place. I sprinted for the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife that I had.

I stood at the door in a towel as the intruding force opened the door. I almost closed my eyes and attempted to plunge the knife into the force’s chest.

'Woah woah woah easy teddy bear!’

I lowered my knife as I took a clearer glimpse of who was standing in front of me. It was him… Josh was back.


I stared at him confusingly as his eyes travel down my soaking wet body. My towel was not helping by falling uncontrollably. He smirked as the came closer to me and scooped me up in his arms.

‘Wow looks like someone is eager to see me!’

Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now