Chapter 21 (Love You More)

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(Katy's POV)

I carefully wipe the sculpture that Catcat gave me on Mother's day. That day was the best day of my life, not only because Catcat put in the effort for me, but also because she called me mom and she meant it.

'Catcat? Hey are you ready?' I said as I bid farewell to my beautiful sculpture and dragged my suitcase after me.

I walked into Catcat's room, urging her to hurry up as we have a flight to catch.

'Catcat come on! Where are-'

I cannot believe what's in front of me. Catcat was sitting on Josh's lap and they were kissing very passionately. Catcat is practically naked and Josh's hands were on areas that I prefer my daughter to keep them to herself.

'Catcat what do you think that you are doing?' I gasped in horror.

(Catherina's POV)

Katy screamed at me and I fell backwards onto the floor and the look on her face is not a good one.

'Catcat do you want to explain yourself?'


'Why are you naked on a boy's lap? Catcat were you doing it-'

'No I wasn't!'

'Well were you going to?'

'I... '

'Are you crazy? You're only fifteen! How can you put yourself at risk like this?'

'Mom it's not like it's the first time...' I said and then Katy's expression softens.

'Josh I need to talk to Catcat... alone.'

'Of course Miss Hudson.' He said as he stood up and squeezed me before he left the room. I smiled cheekily while Katy's eyes widen in anger.

'Catcat you really shouldn't be doing something like this... you're still too young to do something like this, you don't know what you're getting into!'

'Mom I do know what I'm getting into! Or what I got put into two years ago when I was raped! I love him and he loves me! There's nothing wrong with us and we do take precautions.'

'Catcat you're not supposed to do something like this! I lost it when I was sixteen and that was a mistake! You're not ready for it! And even if you take precautions you may still get pregnant! Remember how scared you were when you thought you were pregnant? You freaked out! And I am not about to go through that with you again!'

'Katy it's really not that much of a big deal!'

'Well to me it is!' She said. 'Just don't do it again okay? Next time this happens again you are not going to be allowed to see Josh anymore!'

'You are not even being reasonable!'

'I'm the one in charge around here so get dressed and get yourself downstairs! Our car is waiting!'

I rolled my eyes as Katy left the room in anger. I honestly did not see why it was all such a big deal to her. I went into my wardrobe and got changed, more like putting on some clothes.

'Hey what did she say? Did I get you into trouble?'

'No, it's fine; she's just overreacting that's all. Being Katy involves a lot of that.' I joked.

'I'm going to miss you a lot Cathy...'

'It's just for two weeks and then I'll be back.'

'Exactly! Two weeks! I am going to miss you a lot babe.'

'I promise to call you everyday Josh.' I said as I planted a kiss on his lips.

'I love you babe!'

I grabbed my suitcase and my heels and ran down the stairs barefooted. Katy is about to murder me as I was talking to Josh for longer that I thought that I had.

'Catcat get yourself together!' She exclaimed.

'I am together!'

'When was the last time that you brushed your hair then? And you don't even have your shoes on yet!'

'Well they are going on now.' I said as walked and slipped on my heels.

'Oh my god Catcat cut the attitude!' Katy said as she followed me out the door.

(Katy's POV)

All the way to the airport Catcat did not say a single word to me once. She was plugged in and watching the TV show that she got obsessed with recently. Her eyes were locked in the screen and occasionally she gasped in horror when there was a plot twist.

'Catcat?' I said, finally breaking the silence. No response. She did not even hear me at all. I tried again, but she didn't hear me even when I raised my voice.

Being fed up, I reached out and yanked the earphones out of her ears.

'What the? Katy what do you want?'

'I want you to unplug!'


'Because I want to talk to you, calmly.' I sighed.

'What's wrong?' She said, finally paying a little more attention to me after closing her laptop.

'Nothing... it's just that...'

'Is this about what happened earlier?'

'I don't want to be the mother that says no to everything that you want to do, but to be honest I don't really know how to be a mom to you. I missed out on so much of your life... I missed out on your childhood and everything that I wish everyday that I did not miss. And now... I know that you're only fifteen, but you are so grown up now and you can handle yourself so well... I want you to need me, I want to take care of you, but it just seems like you don't need me. I just want to protect you from everything, I know that you can deal with everything, but to me you are still the little baby that I held that day in the hospital...'

'Just because I can handle myself, it doesn't mean that I don't need you mom. I love you.'

'Don't overthink on this okay? When I call you mom I mean it. That is not a random word that I will just use. You of all people should know that.'

'I just feel like I have failed you again. You've given me so many chances to make things right between us, but I just keep on messing both of us up again.'

'Don't say that ever again mom. We are both experimenting and getting to know each other better. There's nothing wrong about that. Let's just have some time to ourselves for these two weeks okay? I love you mom.'

'I love you too my little pancake. I said as I wrapped my arms around my daughter, my baby, my little pancake.

Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now