Chapter 9 (This Is Here To Stay Forever)

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Hello beautiful people! I am terribly sorry for not updating for ages. Something depressing happened and it took me some time to find myself again and gather myself together again and to quit crying and come on and write. Thank you so much for still reading my story and your support is gold. I love you and thank you so much! Keep Roaring!

-Tiffany :)

'Josh shut up... this is not funny! What are you doing here? Have you forgotten what you said to me?' I whispered as tears rolled down my cheeks again.

'Hey baby... I'm sorry-'


'Cathy... I really am so sorry... I...'

'You left me! You told me that you did not love me anymore!'

'I... I didn't mean it... I love you...'


'I'm sorry... I was afraid... I know that I shouldn't have...'

'You made me believe that you lived with me for my money Josh...'

'That was a lie... I had to say the worst thing that I possibly can say to leave you...'


'Please Cathy... I was afraid that I would hurt you... Please just give me a second chance... I really want you back...'

'How could you? How could you let your fear control our fate? Do you have any idea how much it hurt? Losing you... YOU MADE ME BELIEVE THAT I HAD NO ONE LEFT!'

'I am so sorry... I really am...'

I moved closer to Josh as I stared into his soul with anger. He closed his eyes as if he knew exactly what I was going to do to him. I was going to slap him as hard as I possibly can. 

(Josh's POV) 

Cathy was approaching me as anger was exploding from her head. I was waiting for her to slap me as I fully and truly deserve it. She was a few inches away from me when I closed my eyes as I awaited for my fate. To my surprise, she did not hit me. I felt her cold palm grip my jaw as she kissed me hardly. I could feel her tears rolling down her cheeks, staining mine too. I hesitated a little before I kissed her back and held her delicate body in my arms. As she pulled away, I stroked her face and wiped away her tears.

'Hey please don't cry... I am so sorry for everything that I said to you that hurt you... I love you and I did not mean anything that I said when I left alright?'

Cathy smiled at me as tears glittered in her eyes. She leaned into me for a hug as her tears fell onto my shirt. I could feel her towel slipping, but that is non of my concern right now. All I care is this beautiful girl that I am lucky to have back again. 

'I love you so much Cathy... '

'I love you too Josh...'

'Now go and get dressed... you don't want to be naked in front of me now do you?' I said as I motioned her to go back into her room to get changed.

'I don't mind... do you?' She whispered in a mischievious voice. 

'Cathy go and get changed... You are really wet.' I commented as I smirked.

'I am... so will you dry me?'

'Cathy no. Go and get changed.'

She moaned at me as she went back to her room. Along the way she dropped her towel on the floor, showing me her whole back.

'Are you sure you don't want to help me?'

'Cathy not today! Now Go!'

(Katy's POV)

I opened the door to my boyfriend that I called quits ages ago. He brought food and he looked amazing as usual. John was in a polo shirt and some ripped jeans. He looked very skinny... much thinner than the last time that I saw him.

'God Katy you looked awful.'

'Thanks...' I smiled a little as he welcomed me into his chest for a hug.

'Thank you so much for coming... You did not have to do so but... thank you so much...'

'Don't thank me... ever. I will do anything for you as long as you are happy. I know that you were not in the mood for any prep talk nor any relationship, but I just want to say that even though you don't love me anymore, I still do and I will always do. It hurts so much seeing you like this... you knew the pain that you felt when you found out that Catcat hurt herself, that's how I feel about this. I love you so much... Katy don't you ever dare think that no one loves you anymore... because I still do and my heart is for you to handle. It feels like someone stabbing my heart every single time I see reports of you hurting yourself...'

'I'm so sorry... I don't not love you John... I just don't know what love is anymore... I'm just lost that's all...'

'I will be your light if you let me... I love you and this love is here to stay forever...'

'Thank you so much John... I am so sorry for all that I had put you through and all that you did to help Catcat get rid of the source of threat.'

'You're welcome Katy. Catcat's your daughter, which somehow makes her my half daughter... I see so much of you in her... you two are identical...'

I smiled at the comment as John kissed my forehead. 'Do you want to eat something? You look like you haven't eaten in days and it hurts seeing you like this...'

I nodded and took the box of pizza from him. He followed me into the living room as he always did when we were still together. 

'You know what? I really hate the feeling of being lost... not knowing what love is...'

'Well the answer is simple isn't it?'

John leaned forward and kissed me passionately. 'This is love my princess... I love you...'

(Catherina's POV)

I sighed as I went back to my room. Josh is a really good guy, maybe a little too good. He didn't take it even when I offered. I got into my trackies and put my hair into a messy bun. I returned into the living room and I saw Josh was no where to be seen. 


No answer. I looked around for him, well he might just be in the bathroom... the lights suddenly went out and I shrieked. Terrible thoughts immediately overtook my weak mind. I realized that he could have fooled me again and might kidnap me or hurt me or rob me or whatever how. 

'Josh? Where are you?'

I felt a warm source of heat behind me which made me turn around immediately. I saw fifteen candles floating in mid-air and could faintly see his gorgeous face.

'Happy fifteen birthday Cathy! I love you!'

'Oh my god Josh thank you so much!'

'You don't have to thank me because I love you and this love is here to stay forever...'

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