Chapter 3 (Dear Diary Theory)

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(Katy's POV)

I screamed on top of my lungs as the same dream haunt me again. Angela jumped out of her bed and hugged me as tightly as she could possibly do. I screamed into her shoulder as she stroked my back. I could not breath again as my pain and sobs took over. 

'Hey Katy it's only a dream... you are safe, no one can hurt you...'

'Angie...Angie it is that dream again... I saw Catcat getting killed by Ian again... I couldn't move, I just stood there when my babes was killed...'

'Katy you have to breath... you are going to be fine... the pain will go...'

'No it won't... imagine losing Stella... no don't... I don't want you to ever go through this pain...'

'Awww thanks Katy... now try to sleep... you know that you still have another show to do...'

'Okay... I am sorry for waking you Angie...'

'It's fine sis... I promised that I will always be here for you.'

I tucked myself into bed and Angela switched off the lamp. It was a short five seconds before I switched that lamp on again.

'Katy do you want to sleep with the light on?'

'No, but there is something that I have to tell you...'

'Alright. I am here to listen...'

'Someone got into my house earlier today...'

'Do you mean someone broke in?'

'No, that person has my passcode.'

'Are you sure? You do know that there are only three people in the whole entire world who knows your complicated passcode, and they are all here in Australia, here with you...'

'I know... that's why I wanted to talk to you about this...'

'Are you saying that you think that someone hacked into the system? Do you want to go to the cops?'

'No one can actually hack into it without the security system knowing, that's why that stupid thing cost me so much.'

'Katy I know that you are tired, but there must be an explaination for that, I mean the system will not just log themself in or whatever, someone must have got the passcode and the key or something...'

'Well Catcat does...' I whispered as I lowered my head, knowing exactly what Angela is going to say.

'Oh Katy... Catcat... she is long gone...'

'That is the only explaination that I can find for this Angie... I want to go home to check and see for myself...'

'Katy, I know that you really want Catcat to be alive, but this is not healthy. Imagining that she is still here does not change the fact that Catcat is gone... I know you miss her loads but this cannot be true.'

'But Angie...'

'Katy go and get some sleep, you really need some rest, you are running yourself crazy and this is not good for you. We still have to talk about you...'

'Talk about me what? Angie-'

'Just because I have asked everyone to not to push you does not mean that it will go away Katy, go and get some sleep Katy...'

I lay in bed as she went to bed. I know that she is not convinced that Catcat is still here, but what if she is still here? I know this seems crazy, but in some ways, Ian never admit to kiling Catcat. He admitted to killing Nathan and Jessie and beating up Shannon, but he never owned up to taking Catcat's life... he did say that it was John and Alexis's call, but when I asked them they always had the same story, just as if it was scripted...


I woke up and turned around to hug Catcat, wanting to give her a warm morning hug. As I turned around, instead of finding her next to me, all I had was her teddy bear. My heart skipped a beat as the thought of her running away from me again stroke me. Franticly, I jumped out of bed and looked everywhere. I searched every room, but there were no sign of Catcat. I thumped down the stairs as loud as thunder and as fast as I could until I heard a soft humming comming from the dining room. 

I let out a deep breath as I asure myself that Catcat is still safe in my home. I walked in and found Catcat lying on the couch with her legs up, singing and writing in some notebook. I smiled as I watched her swing her legs and hum a familiar tune. I stood behind her and watched her write neatly in a purple pen in her book. She turned around and closed her book. She smiled at me as she sat up properly.

'Morning sweetheart, why are you up so early?'

'Morning Katy... and it is not early at all, it's almost twelve noon! You sleep so soundly!'

'Well I was tired babes, what were you writing? Can I have a look?'

Catcat smiled at me as she locked her little notebook. She waved a finger at me and said not in a million years will she let me see that.

'Ahhh no way! That's my diary, and it is private. No one except me can read that!'

'Why? But I really want to...'

'If I let you read it, Dear Diary will lose it's magic.'


'Yes. If you want to read it, you will have to kill me first. You cannot read an alive person's diary. That is Dear Diary's rule.'

'Dear Diary?'

'Yes. I'm hungry Katy, can we go out and have some food?'

'Yeah, let's go and get changed and then we can go to Pizza Express if you want to.'

'Sounds good!'

Catcat grabbed her diary and proceeded up the stairs. She turned back and looked at me, smiling and said, 'You know Katy, you should keep a diary too. It's power keeps you on the right track and it saves you from making stupid desicions. Dear Diary's power is really strong.'

'Oh is it?'

'Get one and see for yourself Katy, you will amaze yourself I promise. Keep a diary, it will do you no harm, only good...' 

(End of flashback...)

I went out onto the belcony as I try to fight my temptations and focus on finding a good defination for who got into my house. The only definition that I can get is that it had to be her, but no, it cannot be, as she is long gone now. I took out the diary that she gave me as a present and flipped to the page that I last wrote in. Maybe this works, maybe it does not, but this sure is a way to remember her...

Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now