Chapter 15 (Hudson Camp Night)

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(Catherina's POV)

'We're here Katy!' I screamed as I admired the view once again. No response. 'Katy?'

'Oh my god I'm here yes I've made it!' Katy screamed as she got onto all fours and thank the Lord and glared at me for making her do this.

'Yeah congrats Katy... congrats...'

'Quit being sarcastic now young lady. I did a hike in six-inch heels. Why are we here in the middle of no where?'

'Because I love this place... I spent quite a lot of time up here when I was alone and on the run and I love it here. It's so peaceful yet so pretty at the same time so I want to share this little space with you and for this to be our little paradise.'

Katy's eyes started to water again after she heard my words. I did not even know that anyone on this planet could be this emotional. 

'Baby I love you so much... and yes, this will be our perfect space, at least we will not be interrupted by crazy paparazzi.'

'I am glad that you like it here Katy. I really hope that whenever anyone of us need a break from other people, we will both come here so we can find each other.'

'Awwww babes... you are killing me with love again. Catcat I love you so much...' 

I got onto setting up our camp as Katy stood by me crying and smiling non-stop. 'You okay?'

'Yep.... I cannot even express my love to you my little angel.'

'I know it in my heart Katy, you do not have to express anything to me.' However Katy took what I said, it just made her cry even harder. I wandered off to collect firewood without alerting Katy, and practically gave her a heart attack. Katy was just standing there, staring into thin air as I reckoned that she must have noticed that I had ventured into the woods. Well apparently not and that is a mistake that I will not make again as when I returned, Katy gave me a horrendous lecture that I think even surprised herself.

'WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN CATCAT? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW WORRIED I WAS?' Katy hollered as she half walked, half ran towards me.

'Sorry... I thought-' I stammered, frankly quite startled by her sudden outburst.


'Rainforest? Really?' I said, trying my very best not to giggle. 


'Sorry... it's just the fact that you think that this is a rainforest is literally making me piss myself... relax... this is LA that we are talking about, not the Amazon...'

Katy was furious and lost for words. I could feel as she was about to erupt any second in front of me. 

'Okay okay... I'm sorry. It's just that I thought that you saw me as you were just standing there, you know... thinking.'

'Whatever it is, please don't do it again... at least just make sure that I know... sorry for screaming and scaring you...'

'You did not scare me Katy... well you almost made me piss myself though.'

 'Love you Katy!' I said, and then moved on to set up our fire.

'What are you doing now?'

'Setting up our fire of course! What's a camping night without a warm fire?'

(Katy's POV)

I am still very uncomfortable with the fact that I will be sleeping in the woods, as I have never been much of a Dora the Explorer. I totally prefer staying indoors on my couch watching a movie with my little girl.

'Katy? Hey what's wrong? Are you all right? You seem very jumpy.' Catcat said worriedly as she placed her hand on my arm.

'Nah it's nothing... I am just not too comfy being out here... I mean the both of us are unarmed and what if there is a tiger or something out here? We would become a midnight snack for beasts with no doubt...'

'I think that we are going to be pretty safe... don't exactly think that there will be tigers here Katy.'

'Well it's always good to play safe darling...'

'Well it's not good to be paranoid.'

'Very funny Catcat.'

'Very funny Katy...' Catcat said as she put my arm around her shoulders and hand me a roast marshmallow.

'Thanks babe... I love you, but next time when you feel like doing something like this, will you please just give me a head's up?'

'Why do you hate this Katy?'

'I can never hate anything that you do... I love everything that you do, but it's just that I'm not really in the mood right now, because I don't deserve you, not when I am still hiding something from you.'

Catat immediately regained her posture and moved slightly away from me. I know exactly how she feels about secrets between the two of us.

'What is it Katy? I thought that we both promised each other that we would never, ever hide anything from each other again... I thought you were living up to our promise...' She whispered, sounding a little hurt.

'I'm sorry Catcat... I just did not know what to say to you because I'm scared that you will leave me once again, and I really cannot have that again.'

'What is it Katy?'

'There is something that we have to do... I mean since you are here and alive now, you have to be there for the trial of Ian.''

'No I don't have to be. He is in enough trouble without me... he took away a few lives, he hurt you... what else is there for me to verify? Katy he is already a dead man.'

'I will be showing in court two weeks from now Catcat, I think that you should be there too...'

'Katy that person almost ruined me... I don't want to face him ever in my life...'

'You should be there then Catcat. You have to show him that you are better than he is and you are stronger than he thinks. You should be there to tell him that he tried to destroy you but he failed because you are so much more worthy than he is...'

'Can we please talk about this later? I just want to be here with you now in this moment.'

'Of course Catcat, as tomorrow is unspoken...' I winked.

Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now