Chapter 12 (The Tragedy)

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(Katy's POV)

I screamed on the very top of my lungs as the nightmare attack me again, the thing was, that this dream... it was different, very different, and very traumatizing. Catcat jumped up and out of the blankets. She turned around and examined her surrounding, then turn towards me and grasped onto me. I could hear my parents outside my door, rather frantically rummaging for the access card, talking loudly, urging each other to insert the card into the door, hoping at the same time that I would be alright.

'Katheryn? Are you alright?'

'Sorry mom... I just had a bad dream... I'm alright... Catcat's here with me now...'

'I am Mrs Hudson...'

My mom did not give her a response, which was very odd. Before I had the chance to reply, they escalated the room after realizing that I am safe and happy to be alone here with Catcat.

'Do you want to talk Katy?'

'No... I'm sorry babe...'

'Remember what you told me when I accepted you again? You told me to stop apologizing to you. Now you have to do the same for me. I really should be the one saying sorry to you, for all that I have put you through... I should have known better because if I had, I would have saved the both of us a lot of pain...'

'I have caused you a lot of pain too Cat... I mean... me bring you here immediately after we met each other again was a very bad idea. I should have known that I was pressurizing you into coming here to stay with me. I should have got to know you first by spending time together before I asked you. I mean, you did not think of me as your parent at all which was completely understandable, I did not know the first thing about caring for a child even though I love you to the moon and back. After me being very unhelpful, there were more issues that were worsened because I was being inconsiderate, I mean with everything... I really am so sorry...'

'I guess that we're even then? Katy I love you so much...'

'I love you so much too...'

'Now what happened?'

'Don't worry about it babe... I'm fine...'

'You know you can't lie to me don't you? I was inside you once... I know you. What is it? You have to trust me Katy, I am not going to tell anyone I promise.'

'Catcat it's not that I don't trust you, I just don't want to upset you...'

'It's alright Katy, I understand. I am not just someone that says to try to make you feel better. I am saying this because I mean it. I have been hurting myself, I have tried to kill myself, I have faced all my biggest fears in my nightmares, in fact, all that you are going through I have been through it all already, sometimes you have to trust and open up to really be better. I still have good days and bad ones, but I am certainly better now because of Josh...'

'Josh? Who is he? Catcat-'

'He's my boyfriend Katy. I met him on the run and I love him.'

'Does that mean that he's like... you know, from somewhere not pretty?'

'You can ask all the questions you want after you tell me what just happened Katy.'

'I just had a bad dream just now like you said.'

'What kind of bad dream?'

'I... it really is not pretty Catcat...'

'I get it... it's a part of your dark side, but I promise that I will love yours too, no matter how dark it is.'

'I saw you leaving me again... you left me and went back to your parents and you didn't even say goodbye. You hated me for following you and you cut all cords with me. I tried to protect you but you won't listen... and... and then Ian came back and hurt you again... I was there too, I was just standing there not being able to do anything to help you. I tried to scream, I tried to fight... it was no use.... I was trapped and I couldn't even move by the slightest bit. I was just standing there when he hurt you again...'

'I will never leave you again Katy, and I won't be going back to my parents either... they're gone...'


'A fire took all of them Katy... Nathan came to warn me in my dream, but there was no use. I ignored him and it was real...the fire was real and it took all of them away from me... even baby Tammy. I never got to say a proper goodbye to them when I left and I really hope that I can rewind everything and just tell them that I love them so much...'

'Oh my god baby I am so sorry... why didn't you tell me earlier?'

'The same reason you didn't want to tell me about your bad dream Katy... I didn't want you to be upset...'

'I am so sorry Catcat...'

Catcat leaned into my chest and finally I feel like a mother again. I felt like I was needed once more, I felt like my presence made a difference. I stroked her perfectly brown hair as she buried her face into me. I could feel her tears staining my top.

'I'm so sorry Catcat... is there anything that you want me to do for you?'

'No it's fine Katy... I just need to sleep it off and so do you...'

(Catherina's POV) 

When I woke up, I realized that I wasn't with Katy anymore. I attempted to scream but was silenced by a long, passionate kiss. 


'Oh god you scared me! How did you get in here Josh?'

'Well Katy's sister had a key, and she gave it to me.'

'What time is it?'

'Like seven in the morning. Why?'

'Then what are you doing at this hour?'

'Sorry... I just missed you and I wanted to check on you. I heard Katy screaming last earlier on. Is everything alright?'

'Yeah. She just had a bad dream that's all.'

'And it's all good being back after being gone so long?'

'Yes it is... You were right. I did miss her and I wanted so badly to come back to her, I just didn't have the guts to do so. Thank you so much Josh.' I whispered.

'You are very welcome my darling...' He said in his adorable British accent. 

Things that happened next were just a blur. Josh started kissing me again, and I loved it. I was enjoying his company until Katy came and saw us. 

'Catcat my darling?'

I pounced out of Josh's lap and stood up. Josh followed my lead and stood up next to me. I fixed my hair and Josh wiped his lips as he smirked at me.

'A word?'

'Yeah sure Katy...'

I followed Katy into her room as Josh mouthed Good Luck to me. I blew a kiss to him as I disappeared into the room.

(Katy's POV)

Catcat closed the door behind her and looked at me innocently. I quirked an eyebrow at her, waiting for an explanation. Whatever that came out of Catcat's mouth was a complete blur. She was talking as quickly as she could, and all I could hear was a mumble.

'I'm not angry Catcat.'

'You're not?'

'No I'm not. You are fifteen now my darling, I'm not angry.'

'I love you so much... Thank you...'

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