Chapter 13 (I Want To Be Yours)

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Dear Diary,

What should I do? Catcat is really happy now that she is recovering and finally having a life again after Nathan's incident. She has me and this boy called Josh that she loves so much, but at the same time she is very sad that her parents are gone because of a fire. She believes in me, she trusts me, but what will happen when I tell her the truth about other things that are beyond her imagination? I am selfish... I just want to keep her for myself, so that I can love her and take care of her. At the same time, she should be afraid of me for what I have done. She deserves to know the truth more than anything in this world, but I will lose her now once she knows about everything. What should I do? Should I ever tell her or should I keep this to myself and never tell another single soul? Lead me, Dear Diary.

'Katy what are you writing in?' Catcat said in a mischievous way across the room, staring at me.

'Nothing babes...'

'Is it your diary?'


'Since when did you keep one? I thought that you didn't believe in such stuff!' Catcat shrieked as she jumped onto me.

'Since you Catcat.' I said softly whilst I stroked her hair and hugged her. 'You told me to go and keep one... remember?'

'From the time when you asked to see mine?'

'Yep. I started this after you left. I didn't know what will happen, but it was a way to remember you.'

'Did you miss me when I was gone?'

'She did. She was a complete mess I can't even begin to tell you how hard it was for her. You know her song Unconditionally? That was written for you.' Tamra said as we both laid our eyes on Katy.

'I know... and I cannot even begin to tell you how sorry I am to you Katy...'

'It really doesn't matter anymore now Catcat. All I care is that you are here with me now and that you are safe.'

'You know what?'


'We should so do something outrageous and fun together.'

'Like what?'

'I don't know... like anything.'

'Yeah sure. When do you want to do that?'

'I don't know. I think whenever we feel like it I guess.'

'If you say so my darling...'

'Katy? Can I meet the little girl that you adopted?'

'You mean Millie? Yeah of course. She really reminds me of you when you were little actually.'

'I know what you mean... and she is so pretty...'

'Not even half as pretty as you are. You are perfect starting from day one.'

'I love you so much... Katy...'

My heart broke a little when Catcat called me Katy again after her little pause. I thought now with her parents out of the way she can finally have me called as her mother, but clearly not yet.  

'Katy? Hey are you alright?'

'Yeah of course I am babes... hey I'm going to take a shower alright? I'll be back down here in a sec.'

'Katy... can I please see your... you know... your scars?'

'I don't wan you to though... it's really ugly...'

'So were mine... you still love me for who I am, and I will forever love you for who you are.'

Catcat's eyes sparkled as she gazed at me. I could see my reflection in them, urging me to let her in to help me. I tried shutting my eyes, avoiding eye contact with her, hoping that it would be easier to deny her...

'Katy you know what? Just go and take a shower and then we'll do something alright?'

(Mary's POV)

I paced around the hotel room while the others were all focused on their electronic devices. It seemed as if none of them sensed the danger around us. I have been trying to say something for the past half an hour, which seems to have been ages. I couldn't help but think and reflect whether I am doing the right thing or not. 

'Are we just going to leave Katy with Catcat? Shouldn't we do something about it or at least protect Katy? She is very venerable.' I spoke finally, drawing the attention of my family.

'Mary she's going to be fine! She has Catcat now with her! I don't see why she won't be.'

'I just don't think that Catcat is good for her that's all.'

My family all looked at me in disbelieve. I could see that they cannot see what I mean at all. Catcat might be a good girl on the front, but she sure is not noble. 

'Mom how can you say that? Aren't you happy that Catcat is here safe and sound with Katy? I'm sure Katy won't want to hear that from you...'

'Of course she won't, but I am the mother and I want the best for her as all mothers do.'

'But the best is for her to be with her daughter! Mom they really have been separated for too long now. Just let her be! Katy is very successful in her career. We all know that she has some issues, but with Catcat back here I'm sure she will get better in no time!'

'That kid is really smart now take it from me. We all know that she is capable of a lot of things. She was able to just leave Katy, my daughter alone to suffer when she knew that pretending to be dead was eating Katy from the inside. I can't imagine what she will do to Katy once she feels like it again. I don't like the idea of them being together.'

'Honey I think that you are just tired, I think that we should leave them alone for them to spend some free time together before Katy has to hit the road again.'

(Catherina's POV)

Katy stepped out of the bathroom in her robe with her hair dripping wet. I smiled at her and followed her into her wardrobe. She stared at me like it's the very first time she has ever seen me. I smiled at her and leaned forward, allowing her to hug me. 

'Katy you know what?'

'What is it?' She said in a soft voice as she reached to get another towel to dry her wet hair.

'I feel like I want to do something.'

'Okay, what is it that you want to do?'

'You know... I mean I think that I should become like not dead to the world again. This means that I will be an "orphan". I will go into the system.' I spoke as Katy's face changed.

'I... Do... d-d-do you not want to be with me?'

'No of course I want to be with you Katy! I want to be able to be with you in the public. I want to be your baby. I want to world to know that I am one of the luckiest person in the world!'

'What are you saying?' Katy whispered as tears glistened in her eyes.

'I want you to have full custody over me Katy. That's what I want.'

Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora