Chapter 20 (Second Sunday Of May)

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Hello beautiful people! Here's what all of you've been waiting for! I am so sorry for not updating as I have my finals next week, leaving me with no time. I hope this is not too crap as I am writing this at 2 in the morning. I hope you like it and thanks for reading! If you still want me to continue then please comment and vote!

Ps this is extra long :) Let's say it's a gift from me to you all beautiful people xx

Tiffany <3

(Katy's POV)

I winced when my phone rang at nine in the morning when I just wanted to sleep in. I haven't been able to sleep very well for the past few nights as Catcat got ill after being in the rain for hours, then she had nightmares of Ian coming back and getting her and hurting her again. It just had not been a good week.

On top of that, last night I made a great mistake by insisting on getting Catcat out of the house.


'Catcat? Catcat!' I hollered after having no response from her.

'What?' screamed a very annoyed voice.

'Where do you want to go for dinner tonight honey?'

'I don't want dinner, I want to sleep, and my stomach hurts!'

'Not eating will just make it worse! What do you want? Pasta? Pizza? Steak? Chinese?'

'I don't want anything and I mean it Katy...'

'You have to eat something Catcat; I am not letting you skip another meal after you skipped lunch today because you felt sick. Please! You have to eat something!' I begged her as I got to her room, seeing her in bed with her laptop on, watching a show called Once Upon A Time which she is currently obsessed with.

'You haven't been out of the house since that night!'

'That's because I haven't been feeling well! Look Katy if you want to go out then go out with John! I'll just get Josh to come and stay with me.' She said carelessly, now focusing back on the laptop screen.

'Get dressed, stop being a lazy bum! We are going to get some food from the mall.'

'I don't want to go...' She moaned.

'Fine, if you're not going, then no laptop and no phone for two weeks. Your choice Catcat.' I smirked.

'But I really don't feel well Katy...'

'That's because you haven't had any fresh air in your body for a week or so! Come ON! I'll meet you at the bottom of the stairs in ten all right? Josh and John will be joining us as they have finished their rehearsals. GET DRESSED!' I said before leaving her room to get dressed myself.

'Hey beautiful!' Josh said to Catcat before standing up to give her a hug while John looked at me confusingly, wondering why Catcat is not smartly dressed as she always is.

'Catcat is still not feeling very well...' I quickly announced, as Catcat did not hug her boyfriend back, which is highly unusual.

'How are you feeling Cathy?'

'Crap. I feel like crap.'

'Well I'm sorry for that.' Josh said nicely, but Catcat did not give an answer.

Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora