Chapter 14 (Mine Forever)

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'Do you really? Oh my baby! I will arrange it now! Oh my god! I love you so much!'

I smiled as Katy jumped up and down screaming to her phone. Josh was right. I needed this. I need someone to care for me and love me like a mother again. Now that my parents are gone, I think that I can take Katy in. I allowed Katy to have her moment, but then I realized that she was literally naked. I gasped in horror and then I came to my senses to urge her to get dressed.

'Katy! Come on! Get dressed! I want to take you somewhere!'

'Where do you want to take me you sneaky!' Katy said in her baby voice, obviously still not over her excitement.

'Stop with all the questions! Come on! GET DRESSED! WEAR SENSIBLE SHOES! OR ELSE YOU WILL REGRET IT!'

'Alright alright!' Katy screamed as I ran out of the room. 

I returned to Katy's wardrobe after a couple of minutes, assuming that she has already dressed herself. I sprinted into the wardrobe without knocking or waiting. 

'KATY!! Oh my god I am so sorry-' I said, taking a step back as my biological mother is completely naked other than her panties. 

'Katy- Oh my god your- Wait is that fresh?'

'Babes I am so sorry... I...'

'Hey, what happened?' I said softly as I approached her. 

'Catcat I am so sorry... I... I don't know...' Katy whispered as she hugged herself and backed away from me.

'Katy, hey it's all going to be fine. I promise you.'

'No it's not... I am a wimp... I am so sorry...'

'You are not a wimp Katy... You are just lost and confused... that's all...'

'No... I cannot thank you more for giving me this opportunity to take care of you. This is all that I wanted all these years. But the problem is that I can just see myself screwing the both of us up again. I don't want to hurt you because I love you Catcat... I really do, and I am so sorry for what I have done to you.'

'Katy no one is flawless, it's fine to make mistakes.'

'You are flawless babe.' Katy whispered as she lowered her head and stared at her wrist, hoping that they can all just disappear. 

'Really? How many times have I tried to kill myself? How much harm have I caused you? You think that I am flawless because you love me so much, that you can focus on my good parts. This is exactly what I plan on doing for you. I love you so much Katy, I really mean it.'

I smiled at Katy as my plan ran through my head again. Katy is going to be so happy. 'So can I clean you up?'

'Yes of course, if you wish to.'

'It'd be my pleasure.' 

 Katy watched me as I grabbed my box of bandages and started wrapping it around her wrist. She winced a little at the pain but she still attempted to put on a strong face for me. 

'Katy, you know you can scream or cry if you want to. I have been through this, probably even worse, but seriously, it's alright to be afraid...'

(Katy's POV)

I smiled at Catcat as she try her very best to be tender and delicate with me. Everything on my arm hurts like hell. 'I'm not afraid anymore... not when I have you right here with me. I love you so much baby...' 

Catcat was a pro at cleaning out my wounds. I gave her a hug which after that she dragged me onto my feet and leaded me out of the wardrobe.  

'Kid where are you taking me?'

'I told you! It's a surprise! Come on!' 

Catcat entered a postcode into my GPS and instructed me to drive according to the instructions of the GPS. The location that Catcat is trying to make me bring her to is an hour away and in the middle of no where. I as immensely confused with a thousand questions in my head, wanting to burst out, but I knew if I say another word Catcat is going to murder me.

'What is it kid? Why are you smiling like this?'

'Don't ask! Come on! Drive!'

'Okay! Okay easy!' I chuckled as I finally start the engines. 

'You have reached your destination. Have a nice day.' The GPS said in its normal annoying and fake voice.

Catcat jumped out of the car and ran to my side of the car. She opened the doors and yanked me out of my seat. She rummaged through her purse and handed me a torch. 

'Are we still not at the place where you want to take me yet?'

'Nope! But we are getting there. Come on! Help me with the bags!'

'Bags? Catcat what is it that you want to do?'

'Katy can you please stop will all the questions? Just plese follow me!'

My daughter threw a massive backpack onto my shoulders and another onto hers. What was she thinking? 

'Come on Katy! Please don't give me a grim face! Come on!'

'I'm not giving you any faces darling, I love being with you, but I just want to know what you want to do and why.'

'Just bear with! Come on Katy!' She shrieked as she dragged me onto a path. It is already all dark out now. I reckon that it is around seven or eight at night as the moon is full and silver, watching over us. 

As we walked uphill, I could feel my feet sink into squishy substances. 

'Catcat why is the ground squishy?'

'It's just mud Katy... it was raining earlier on.'

'Why is there mud here?'

'Really? Katy you are a thirty year old person who has travelled the world like three times. Are you really asking me why there is mud out here? Is that a joke?'

'No. Is this a joke?'

'Nope. Katy isn't this obvious? We are going on a hike!'

'A hike? Catcat why did you not tell me? Oh my god my shoes! My Jimmy Choos!'

'Annnnnnnd they are six inches heels...' Catcat said as she shone the light onto my muddy toes. Katy what did I say about wearing sensible shoes?'

'What? You never said anything about shoes!'

'I did!'

'Oh god my shoes!'

'Come on Katy, I'm sure that you'll live. You have like a thousand of those!'

'Catcat this trip better be worth it. I love my shoes.'

'I promise you... you are going to love it...' I smirked under my breathe.

Dear Diary (Sequel to BTGOKISB) (Katy Perry Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now