im sorry (bakutodo)

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"I'm sorry."



What is wrong with him?! Katsuki thought. Why does he keep saying that?! That bastard was the one who knocked down the water!

Currently, todoroki was apologizing to monoma, for "putting his water bottle in an inconvenient place". It was on the floor in the training area, where everyone else's were too.

Katsuki didn't know why it riled him up, why he was so annoyed. He thought it was just because the other was stupid but no. Deep down he knew, it was because Shoto never does anything wrong. He's always apologizing even when the event was completely out of his control. It bothered the blond that his boyfriend was always blaming himself for everything.

After class that day, bakugou dragged todoroki to his dorm. He was tired of watching his boyfriend being sorry for things he didn't do. For problems he didn't cause. Todoroki sat on the angry blonde's bed while the other changed out of his uniform. Katsuki finished and handed the younger a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants. Shoto took off his uniform and slipped the hoodie over his lean frame while bakugou watched on the side, slightly blushing. Once he got over his boyfriend's body, he got serious again. Todoroki could tell bakugou was mad, but at what? He didn't know.

"Bakugou.. are you okay? What did I do?"

That didn't help. At all. It only made the already on edge boy even more angry. He was angry that Shoto thought he did something wrong again. He was angry at whoever made him like this.

"Why? Why do you always apologize for things you didn't do? Even if you did something it's not like you ever mean to hurt anyone! You are the most obliviously pure person I know! Even more than stupid deku! Stop! Just stop!.. please."

He was so angry that he didn't even notice the way Shoto flinched at his harsh tone. He immediately calmed himself down, and lowered his volume. Katsuki felt a wave of guilt wash over him as the younger seemed to curl in on himself in fear. No.. of course he wasn't mad at shoto. He was mad that the world didn't deserve such a pure soul. And for them to just take advantage of him and his kindness.

Bakugou ran his finger through his hair in frustration. How would he explain to his boyfriend that he was pretty much the most innocent, good hearted boy in all of UA, that he didn't need to apologize all the time?

"Look icyhot. I love you. But the things you say really bother me."

"Oh.. sorry. How can I be better?"

"That! What is that?! Why are you sorry for talking?! Everyone talks? Why are you just taking it? No! Fight back! Tell me that you can do whatever you want and be whatever without being sorry for it. Because why do you need to be sorry for being you? For being alive? Stop saying sorry!"

Once again, shoto was shocked by his boyfriend's outburst. He was confused at first, but the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. Why did he say sorry to monoma this morning? He wasn't doing anything wrong.

From that day on, todoroki was a lot more confident in his decisions. Because he finally stopped thinking about what other people would think about his choices. It didn't matter! At the end of the day, he wasn't trying to hurt anyone. The whole class 1-A noticed shoto's change in behavior, and they were all glad bakugou could talk that into him. Because he was finally being unapologetically himself. And he was doing everything right.

(AN. Do you guys have any suggestions on what kind of story I should do next?)

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