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They were in izuku's dorm room. All three of them. About to watch a Disney movie.

It was the weekend, and after a long week of training, the three lovers just wanted to get together and spend some quality time. So, they set up a fort on the floor of izuku's dorm room, and started a movie marathon. They'd just finished watching a horror movie. Katsuki and Izuku sat there kinda stunned, while shoto just stared blankly at the screen.

They, meaning Izuku, decided to put on a disney movie to calm their nerves.

"Disney movies are stupid, nerd. And I've watched all the good ones already."

"Come on kacchan, it'll be fun!"

Neither of them noticed how quiet their boyfriend was being at first. Until they decided that between the two of them, they weren't gonna be able to settle it.

"So icy hot, what do you wanna watch? You better pick a good one!"

Shoto barely heard the question.
A Disney movie?

"...ki...doroki? Todoroki-kun!"
Shoto flinched as he's thinking was interrupted.
"Are you okay?"
Asked Izuku, polite as always.

"..um, actually, I dont know any Disney movies.."

His boyfriends stared at him, shocked by his answer. They thought, maybe he didn't want to tell them because he was ashamed of his choice. Or something else at least. They never expected him to admit that he's never seen a Disney movie.

"What?! What rock have you been living under icyhot?!"

"Disney movies should be part of every person's childhood todoroki-kun!"

"Well that explains why I've never seen one.. I've been 'living under a rock' called Endeavor and my 'childhood' was non existent."
He said nonchalantly as if it was a normal thing to say.

Out of nowhere, the usually angry but now slightly less angry blond grabbed the remote and put on Frozen. He almost laughed as shoto's eyes widened as soon as the intro came on. He stared at the screen in a childish matter. But who could blame him? It was his first time in 15 years of living to watch a Disney movie.

The blond and the greenette had their eyes on the youngest the whole time. Slightly shocked that someone so smart, who seems to know a little about everything, has never even experienced one of the best parts of childhood. On the other hand, they were also angry. Angry that someone had stripped away his childhood like it was nothing. That no one has ever seen the look on Todoroki's face as he was absorbed into the story and the animations until now.

Neither of them uttered a word as the movie came to its climax. The screen was all a cold, icy blue, and shoto was more fixated than ever. He almost cried out as anna was frozen and his eyes became watery. All they could think about was how cute the youngest was being. They stared at him just as he did at the screen, in awe.

The movie had just finished, and the boys were cuddling to the outro in the background. Now it was time for Shoto to be stunned. It was wonderful. This was what he'd missed out on all his life. But he couldn't be mad, he was happy that he got to spend this magical experience with the people he loved the most.

Soon shoto fell asleep, and Katsuki had to carry him to bed. They decided to just sleep in izuku's room, too lazy to go back to their own at 11pm. The boys laid on either side of shoto, admiring his gentle features as he slept peacefully. He's amazing, they both thought. How did we end up so lucky? Were their last thoughts as they too, drifted off to a dreamless, but comfortable sleep.

The next morning, the three were in the common area as they ate breakfast. Made by bakugou, of course. The majority of the rest of their class was either already there, or were just entering the space now.

"Hey bakubro! Hey guys! So what was so important yesterday that you couldn't come hang out with us?" Asked Denki.

"We were just introducing half and half to a Disney movie, cuz he's never watched one."

The common room became silent at the unexpected answer, only a few seconds before it erupted with questions from their classmates.

"You've never watched a Disney movie?"

"Is this a joke? This has gotta be a joke, right?"

"Really? Never?!"

Long story short, the whole class had a movie marathon that night. And yes, they were all Disney movies.

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