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(It's been a while.. sorry guys)

⚠️TW mention of r*pe and slurs⚠️

'Scar face..'

'Daddy issues'


All things that Shoto todoroki would hear on a daily basis.

It started at home from his dad, which was where the nickname daddy issues came from, and quickly escalated to school.

Now don't get me wrong, most people in their right minds LOVE Shoto. After all he's cute, smart, respectful, talented, etc.. the list could go on. But there were always those few annoying extras without taste. They were simply jealous that Shoto got the attention of so many girls and guys alike without even trying. So they made it their goal to torment him as much as they possibly could.

Unlike monoma, who left him alone for the most part, they would directly target him. Always bringing out topics that he would much rather not talk about.

After a few scenes were made at school with his father, everyone knew they did not have a good relationship. Most people respectfully avoided bringing it up, whereas some people used it to irritate the youngest todoroki.

One day, shoto was walking out in the courtyard of the school during lunch hours (do they even have one of those??) when one of those people came up to him.

He was not in the mood to fight, as they'd just finished training and all he wanted to do was to find his friends to enjoy his soba with. They had left earlier than him as Aizawa held him behind, giving him feedback on his quirk usage and checking up on him as he does. Typical dadzawa.

Shoto avoided eye contact as he moved to walk around the group of guys. The group consisted of 4 guys, two looking older than Shoto himself and the others being the ones he normally put up with.

When his attempt to leave failed, he sighed and looked them in the eyes the best he could. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he politely asked them to move.

Instead of complying however, one of the older looking males pushed him against the wall. No words were said before he landed a punch on the younger boy's face. Shoto stayed silent, not wanting to cause a scene. He would have fought back if it wasn't for the fact that he was exhausted and not allowed to use his quirk.

They kept beating him up. At this point, the boy was numb. His legs had given out and he was now pathetically kneeling on the floor.

A few minutes past before they seemed satisfied with the damage they'd caused.

'Just remember. You are a nobody. You'll always be a nobody.'

The words rang in shoto's brain as he pushed himself off the floor. Stumbling a bit, he leaned his arm onto the wall to help keep his balance. The beaten up boy slowly made his way to the dorms. His appetite was completely diminished now, and all he wanted was to sleep.

Luck wasn't on his side supposedly because as soon as he rounded the last corner before the dorms, the door opened to reveal the dekusquad.

They were looking for him actually. After waiting for minutes at their usual table, they started to get worried for their friend. Thinking that he might have been tired, they went back to the dorms to see if he was there. He wasn't. They were on their way out when they saw him..

With blood dripping down his chin from both his busted lip and nose. His uniform was wrinkled and covered in dirt. However, the most noticeable part was the large bruise on his cheek. They were practically fuming.

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