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Todoroki's never been one to show physical affection. Likewise, he wasn't used to receiving any.

So it took him a little while to get used to the affection of the class.

It started when they moved into the dorms. At that point, people were still getting to know each other. Although Shoto believed that most of his classmates were good people, old habits die hard.

It had been 2 and a half weeks since everyone moved in to the dorms. The class were pretty used to each other's shenanigans now, not a single day going by without bakugou blowing up at somebody (figuratively and literally), kirishima and Denki throwing things around, and mineta trying to sneak into the girls' dorm area.

Shoto was sitting on the couch, scrolling on his phone when Denki practically pounced at him.

Shoto looked up in shock as kaminari hid, using shoto and the couch as a barrier between him and whatever was after him.

Shoto knew immediately who it was when he heard loud footsteps stomping towards them.


Shoto slightly winced at the loud voice. You'd think he'd be used to that by now.

In attempt to save himself, Denki threw himself at Shoto, gripping his arm to shield himself from the wrath of the angry blond.

At the warm touch of denki's hands, shoto flinched.

The other two felt bad for scaring the younger, although bakugou would never admit it, and decided to calm down a little.

"I'll ask one last time dunce face, where the hell is my phone?!"

"I swear I don't have it! Ask kiri! Why is it always me?!"

Denki tried explaining himself, all the while gripping harder on to shoto's arm.

The younger boy couldn't focus. He stared at the hands on him, warm and friendly. He wanted more.

The two blonds stopped their arguing at the lost look on shoto's face.

"..umm- todobro? Are you okay?"

"Hm? Ah.. yes I'm fine."

It never occured to them that he was confused at.. their touch?

But they'd find out soon enough.

A few weeks after the incident, shoto was in a study group with some of his classmates.

They ended up finishing early and Denki recommended watching a movie to 'reward himself for using his brain'. As the movie went on, people started getting tired. Denki and mina, being closest to Shoto, both fell asleep half way through.

Denki's head fell onto Shoto's shoulder, making him tense up abruptly. He didn't know what to do.

"Just relax todoroki! It's a cuddle pile, not training. Stop being so stiff."

Said mina as she leaned her head on shoto's other shoulder.

"What is.. a cuddle pile?"

Both mina and denki's heads shot up from shoto's shoulders. Insert gasps.

"Okay nope. I refuse to believe."

"We don't practice physical affection in my house. I'm sorry, but this is something I'm unfamiliar with."

Denki gently put a hand on shoto's arm, feeling him stiffen slightly before relaxing into the touch.

"Well bro, you can practice with us."

Let's just say they had a class cuddle pile that day. Shoto had never felt so warm inside.

Nowadays, it's near the end of class 1-A's first year at UA.

When they go on field trips, shoto would silently link arms with the friend closest to him. Anyone but mineta, he would consider. And no one ever minded.

When Shoto was tired, he would look at the person next to him with droopy eyes, and they would reach up to bring his head down onto their shoulder or lap.

But one thing in particular he did, was the most endearing thing to his friends.

*flash back*

Nightmares were not uncommon for Shoto. Unfortunately, he used to deal with them all by himself. In the darkness of his room, he would silently sob into his arms, never making any noise in fear of waking up his classmates.

It started one night in particular, where he had had a nightmare. He went to the kitchen when he realized he wasn't going to be able to go back to sleep to make himself a cup of tea. Taking a sip of the warm liquid, his nerves calmed down little by little.

Back in the dorm area, kirishima had woken up. He'd heard noises in the hallway and he wondered who could have been up at this hour.

With the question keeping him awake, he sighed as he left his dorm room to investigate.

When he entered the kitchen where the lights were on, he was greeted by red and white hair. Recognizing shoto immediately, he walked over to the boy.

Eijiro carefully put a hand on shoto's shoulder, expecting him to flinch as he always does. And he does, whipping his head around to stare right into kiri's red eyes.

Kiri saw it immediately, how shoto's eyes were red and slightly puffy. His first thought was 'cute' and his second was to ask if he was okay.

"Yes. I am fine kirishima."

The older stared at him skeptically.

"Really kirishima-San. It was just a nightmare."

Kirishima didn't know he had those.

It was easy to tell that Shoto was shaken up, his behavior was not as.. tamed as it usually is.

".. how about... you come sleep with me? Then you won't be scared anymore right?"

Shoto refused at first, thinking that it would be inappropriate and bothering the older, but kiri insisted.

*flash back ends*

And that's what started this endearing behavior of the dual haired boy.

When he had nightmares, he would go into someone's dorm room to cuddle with them.

For shoto's friends, this was a HUGE development in shoto's trust in them.

His friends felt privileged when he did that, knowing it meant that he wasn't going to hesitate when he needed their help, because he trusted them.

The girls, when they heard about this, were a little jealous. Although it would seem unfitting at first, the girls all said that they saw Shoto as a good friend, if not, brother. Someone who they could count on to learn from and to protect them. And someone they would like to do the same for back.

Plus shoto was not attracted to girls, so there was no risk.

After talking with Mr. Aizawa, they informed Shoto that he was now allowed to pass into the girls' dorm area (mineta was pissed and super jealous).

When Shoto needed comfort from nightmares that included his past of s*xual harassment, he would go to the girls, knowing that they would be able to give him advice. Also in those circumstances, he was usually too anxious to go to any of his male friends.

It all worked out in the end. Shoto was finally getting the kind of touch he deserved, from people who deserved to touch him.

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