Eri (shintodo)

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(StarrySolaris, here's your request! Sorry if it's not very good😅. Here, shinso and eri were adopted by Aizawa)

-Shoto's POV-

"Why?! Why didn't you use your fire Shoto?! You'll never bee a good hero IF YOU DON'T USE YOUR QUIRK THE WAY I TRAINED YOU TO!!"

Endeavor howled at the poor boy. His ears might as well be bleeding at this point. Except he wasn't, it was the rest of his body that was tattered and in pain. His muscles screamed at him to stop moving, yet he knew that it would only end worse if he listened. He refused to do as his father says. No matter how painful it was, he still had his dignity to hold on to. And he would not give in to the one person who has brought him nothing but pain.

(Time skip to Monday)

-3rd person POV-

It was a relief to go back to school for Shoto. He was not extremely excited for the consecutive training, but it wasn't anything new. Heck, he can't remember the last time he's had a good break. No training for a whole day seems like a miracle that would never come.

It was the period right before lunch, Aizawa was going over safety techniques, which most of the class probably needed reminders of more often.

Todoroki sat looking at the window. It was a boring class. He knew how to keep himself safe, it was just that most of the time he didn't care. He's gotten worse injuries from home than fighting with villains, and they were unavoidable. And he knew how to patch himself up after too. Again, from experience.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class. Most of the students packed up quickly and were eager to get food. But todoroki wasn't hungry. The dekusquad had asked him if he wanted to eat with them, to which he politely declined. He took his time walking out of class, behind everyone else.

He headed to the roof of the school. It was a beautiful spring day. Sunny, but not too hot. The cool breeze felt amazing against his pale skin. He took a deep breath of the fresh, sweet scented air and walked over to the edge of the roof. He almost felt hypnotized to see what was over the fence. Just as he reached a hand out to the railing, he heard a voice.

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

It was a rough but comforting tone. Like music to his ears. The sound was deep and enchanting.


And that was all the insomniac needed to activate his quirk on the boy. He didn't think todoroki was actually going to do anything, but he was way too close for comfort in Shinso's opinion.

They weren't exactly close, at least not until Aizawa introduced them to one another. He apparently thought they had things in common. And seeing both were the quiet and antisocial type, he wanted them to meet and become friends. So they would have someone similar to themselves to talk to. It was awkward at first, obviously because neither of them wanted to initiate anything. But once they did, they hit it off pretty well. Shoto liked how shinso didn't judge or expect things from him. He didn't have to pretend to be perfect in front of the older. And shinso liked how honest Shoto was. He was blunt, and although some people would find it offensive when he said his honest opinion, shinso found it absolutely hilarious.

That led here. With both of the troubled teenagers standing on the roof and one of them reaching out to the edge.

"Walk over to me."

Ordered the purple haired. Todoroki obeyed and turned towards the other. Once he was standing in front of him, shinso deactivated his quirk. Todoroki shook his head as he came out of his trance, looking perplexed by the situation. Wasn't he just by the railing? How'd he get here? Those were all questions he would never get answered, because in the next few seconds, he was pulled into a tight, warm hug initiated by the older. Shoto tensed up before he realized that it was only his friend.

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